Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


Deconstruction News Menu
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8

BPS's Shawn Wood built a sturdy deconstruction program

Now he's off to the EPA to advance the use of low-embodied-carbon building materials on a national scale.

News article

City of Portland, ReBuilding Center partner to provide donated building materials to low-income property owners

“From Excess to Access” program offers construction materials to help property owners meet building codes.

News article

Deconstruction Ordinance Expansion

Portland’s existing deconstruction ordinance is expanding. Effective on and after January 20, 2020 permit applications for demolition of a house or duplex built in 1940 or earlier will be required to deconstruct using a Certified Deconstruction Contractor.

Updated Public notice

Portlanders show their support for deconstructing – rather than demolishing – older buildings

City Council hears testimony overwhelmingly in favor of requiring “younger” buildings to be subject to deconstruction ordinance

Press release

Proposed amendment to deconstruction ordinance would increase deconstruction projects

City Council to consider raising the “year-built threshold” from 1916 to 1940; public comments welcome.

News article

Deconstruction Case Studies

News article

Deconstruction Contractor Spotlight: Lovett Deconstruction

Lovett Deconstruction was established to help diminish the industry practice of tearing up quality building materials and throwing them away.

News article

Portland City Council adopts new deconstruction ordinance to save quality, historic materials

Deconstruction instead of demolition: Disassembling Portland’s oldest and most historic houses and duplexes will protect public health and save valuable materials for reuse.

News article

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