Fix-It Fair Community Resource Guide – Utility bills and home health

Resources for healthy, affordable living – and peace of mind – from experts and your own community.
On this page

Community Energy Project

Community Energy Project believes that everyone deserves a safe, healthy, and efficient home, regardless of income. We do this through educational workshops, direct home repairs and energy upgrades.

Metro Healthy Homes

Healthy Homes provides information, tools and resources to help reduce toxic chemicals inside the home.

Multnomah County Weatherization

Multnomah County Weatherization Program can save you money on your energy bill and improve your indoor air quality. Our free services are available for people with limited incomes.

Oregon Construction Contractors Board

Oregon CCB strives to prevent and resolve problems in the construction industry through licensing, enforcement, dispute resolution, and education.

Pacific Power

Info on saving energy, preparedness, safety and community.

Portland Water Bureau

The Portland Water Bureau provides water to almost a million people in the Portland metro area. Portlanders can order a free lead test or conservation kit, and find out how you or someone you know may qualify for financial assistance.

Income based assistance for residential customers

Assistance for all customers (not income based)

Rebuilding Center Education

The Rebuilding Center is a Portland-area Non-profit that specializes in reuse and waste-stream diversion. We do this through our large retail store and via in-person and online educational offerings.