In light of the impacts of COVID-19 (coronavirus) on business operations, the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability is extending the deadline for reporting annual commercial building energy performance to May 22, 2020. We understand that many of you who complete the report are also currently performing critical duties to keep your facilities safe for their occupants.
Submitted reports and exemptions
If you have already submitted your report, or intend to do so by the original April 22 deadline, we will review your report in late April and send you a compliance confirmation or instructions for correcting reporting errors. Please make sure to add and as approved senders to your email service.
If you already applied for and received approval for an exemption, your 2019 exemption is still in effect. This message is being distributed to all building contacts in order to share this update quickly.
Assistance with reporting
The City of Portland’s Energy Reporting Help Desk remains available for reporting assistance throughout this time. Please note that many City staff are teleworking under the Mayor's emergency declaration. Contacting the help desk by email at is the quickest and easiest way to get your questions answered.
If you would like to speak to someone over the phone, please send us an email or leave a voicemail at 503-823-7070 with your phone number and some options for the best time to reach you by phone. In-person reporting assistance is not available at this time.
You can also review step-by-step instructions by visiting our online guide for returning users or viewing the guide for new users.