The Community Safety Data (CSD) team's workplan consisting of the 17 projects the team is working on, descriptions of each project and current status. Updated Sept. 12, 2023.
Project names, timeline and descriptions
- Consolidated webpage of existing public facing dashboards — Completed June 2023
This is a consolidated list hosted on of all existing dashboards, maps, or reports from City teams working on community safety.
- Information security training for data analysts — Completed May 2023
Many analysts are committed to cybersecurity and protecting privacy but unfamiliar with specific City Rules or tools to help implement them. Training in a webinar format is provided by Bureau of Technology Services’ (BTS) Senior Information Security Officer. Resources are disseminated to City staff.
- Ability to pull down mailing addresses for mailers — Completed May 2023
The CSD team used to rely on Bureau of Development Services (BDS) for this service. Streamlining this mailing service helps alleviate work for BDS and improve project timing. Custom instructions and training sessions are provided to CSD staff so that they can do this step themselves. Guidance on how to access additional location-based data assets is also being explored.
- Data and Performance Management Full Pipeline for Gun Violence Intervention Work — In progress
This project includes reporting measure design, consistent data collection methods across Office of Violence Prevention (OVP) teams, data management infrastructure (Apricot 360) training sessions, internal/interactive data sharing, and external data sharing to tell the story of work and impacts across projects.
- Data and Performance Management Full Pipeline for CSD Safe Blocks Community Investment Work — In progress
Data for program aspects are in various formats. The Safe Blocks team wants to reduce generation time and increase standardization for reports. These changes can then support more external information sharing through a dashboard, map of Safe Blocks updates, or other report styles. This project also includes implementation of data management infrastructure Apricot 360.
- Performance Measure Development for Emergency Declarations — In Progress
CSD is working to reduce the impact of gun violence in Portland. This work involves determining appropriate performance measures to report on impacts of emergency declarations for the July 21st, 2022 Gun Violence Interventions and March 2nd, 2022 Street Services Coordination Center.
- Program Wide Performance Measure Updates — In Progress
Existing bureau performance measures are not always telling the story of the work, are not being used to evaluate and improve the work and are challenging to work with as workplans adapt and change to meet urgent community needs.
- Gun Violence Prevention Mapping & Engagement Tools — In Progress
Development of data and technical products to support community engagements on violence prevention. This includes citywide and neighborhood specific maps, data justice reviews of community surveys and method guidance.
- Alternative Response Programs Visualization — In Progress
CSD is researching and compiling information about alternative emergency response programs from across the county. This work includes support for data collection methods to organize research by variables of interest such as best practices, budget, key metrics or other programmatic decisions. Design and publishing of visualizations to explore these data is upcoming.
- Response Times Dashboard — In Progress
Commissioner Gonzalez requested a publicly available dashboard that shows the response times for public safety bureaus. The charts will show the average total time for a caller to get service from a first responder (dispatcher, police, fire, AMR, etc.). The graphs will show the information for the four stages following a call’s initiation: wait time, call entry, queue time, and agency response time (travel to scene). The goal is for information to be viewed or filtered by call type, bureau, time period, geography, or other relevant information.
- Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) Sandbox Project— Completed December 2023
The PBEM Sandbox Project is a collaboration between PBEM, the Community Safety Data Project, and Corporate GIS (CGIS), to inventory datasets relevant to emergency management operations and deliver them in ArcGIS Online, the City of Portland web GIS platform.
- Best Practices for Working with Gun Violence Data — Completed August 2023
A training in collaboration with PPB Strategic Services Division to share methods and best practices for working with gun violence data. This also includes how staff can work with this team for analysis requests. As more teams work in collaborative projects to help reduce gun violence, they may work with PPB’s open data on analyses or require more specific data support to inform decisions.
- External Facing Community Safety Data Portal — In progress
The Community Safety Data Portal is a website containing interactive dashboards and links to community safety datasets in the open data hub. The first phase of the project is focused on fire, police, 911, and park safety workloads.
- External Facing Park Ranger Activity Dashboard — In progress
This work prepares data and visualizations from internal park rangers’ activity/operations dashboard for public facing environment. This will improve understanding about what Portland Park Rangers do.
- Citywide Community Grant Reporting Guidance — In progress
Community grant programs are often responsive to community needs and different types of partners. Some have found it hard to create measures for qualitative, narrative data and/or consistent data to show impacts across programs. This work has led to the development of Citywide Community Grant Reporting Guidance in partnership with Office of Equity, City Budget Office Performance Team, and the Grants Management Division. The guidance provides a framework for designing community grant performance measures and other best practices to improve grant reporting experiences for both staff and grantees. This guidance integrates learnings from the Rescue Plan Data and Equity Framework and will be incorporated into a future Grants Policy update.
- Maturity of CSD Community Engagement Tracking Tools — Completed August 2023
Data management support for CSD’s spreadsheet tracking of engagement feedback. This includes improved data formatting including tagging, method documentation, and data analysis support such as providing summary values, figures, and tables for various deliverables. This supports the use of valuable information provided by community members.
- Update City’s GIS infrastructure / PortlandMaps to disseminate internally and externally — In progress
This project involves the facilitation of more data and maps on the City’s central GIS infrastructure. This may also include guidance documentation of how to access various resources. This will reduce duplication of work and/or staff making similar requests across teams.
- City-contracted alternative shelters dashboard — In progress
A public facing dashboard to report on program outcomes of the Temporary Alternative Shelter Sites (TASS). This includes a spring 2024 publication of a combined public facing dashboard for Safe Rest Villages and TASS; one place for summary data for all types of City-contracted alternative shelter sites.
- Data Informed Decision Making (DIDM) Partnership — In progress
Continued development and partnership with BTS to develop an enterprise data platform and business intelligence tool and how that integrates with enterprise data governance investments.