Public Policy & Advocacy

Portland City Hall
Community Technology tracks communications policy, participates in policy development, and advocates on behalf of the City and community. 

Public Policy & Advocacy

City staff track communications policy, and participate in policy development through boards, committee work, and local government coalitions. Our goal is to ensure policy at the federal, state, and local level improves the City's ability to address the community's technology and communications needs.

Staff routinely work with, or are directly affiliated with:

Federal Communications Commission: Intergovernmental Advisory Committee

Federal Communications Commission: Communications Equity and Diversity Council

National League of Cities 

Unites States Conference of Mayors

National Association of Counties

League of Oregon Cities

National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors and the Oregon chapter

National Digital Inclusion Alliance

Alliance for Community Media


View the documents related to community technology policy and advocacy work:


Rebecca Gibbons

Strategic Initiatives Division Manager

Adriana Miranda

Community Engagement and Policy Specialist