Apply for the Wireless Network Building Grant Opportunity

News Article
The application period has closed as of March 12, 2023.

When asked how the City of Portland could support dismantling the digital divide for our priority populations, community members indicated access to a fast and affordable internet connection as essential to daily life.

This grant opportunity is part of the ongoing City of Portland Digital Divide Response Project. Using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, the goal is to enable communities and neighborhoods to build secure, fast, community-owned Wifi6, and fixed-wireless networks. This funding opportunity is meant to meet an immediate need for capital investment in accessible high-speed internet access to stimulate community development.

This grant is designed to provide seed funding for a neighborhood-based, community-managed Wi-Fi 6 or fixed-wireless network. This is a one-time capital investment to enable an organization or community group to purchase the necessary hardware, software, short-term network design consulting services, and training to build a local Wi-Fi 6 or fixed-wireless network. The network built is meant to provide secure, private, fast-internet access to a priority population beyond the initial seed funding at no or low-cost.


Jan. 27, 2023: Notice of Funding Opportunity released

March 12, 2023: Applications due by 11:59 p.m.

Early April: Awards announced

Mid-April: Subrecipient Risk Assessment begins

June 30, 2023: Service contracts executed; Reporting and oversight begins

Dec. 31, 2023: All funds awarded

June 30, 2024: Project completion

Information sessions

Want to learn more about this opportunity? Join us at an information session to hear a brief overview of the opportunity and ask questions:

  • Feb. 9, 12-1 p.m.
  • Feb. 24, 4-5 p.m.
  • March 6, 1-2 p.m.

Were you unable to attend a session? Contact us directly at for more information. 

Funding available

Total funding available for this grant opportunity is $400,000.

Applicants can apply for an award up to $400,000.

How to apply

Application materials (for reference only, the application period is closed)

View the Invitation to Apply:

View the complete application instructions:

View sample reporting requirements, grant agreement, and the subrecipient risk assessment tool:

Applicant eligibility requirements:

To be considered, applicant organizations must meet all of the following minimum requirements:

  • Applicant is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations in good standing with the IRS. Unincorporated groups or programs may utilize an eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization as a fiscal sponsor.
  • Applicant serves people who live, work, worship, or access social services in Portland and are predominantly BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color), people with disabilities, immigrant and refugee, LGBTQIA+, house insecure, foster or youth with special needs, domestic abuse survivors, people impacted by incarceration, with a focus on those living at the intersection of these identities.
  • Applicant commits to meeting project reporting requirements and project completion by June 30, 2024.
  • Application is complete and is signed by a duly authorized representative of the Applicant organization.


Julian Hanlon-Austin

Senior Communications Strategist, Planning & Sustainability


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