Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Fuel terminal or fuel importer

Fuel terminals and fuel importers are not directly regulated by PPC 16.60 for above the rack activities. However, fuel terminals and importers should be aware of the requirements of PCC Chapter 16.60 and how they impact their customers.

BPS encourages fuel terminal operators and importers to review the guidance for retailers and distributors.

Compliance with the carbon intensity standard is the only component of the RFS that concerns fuel terminal operators and importers.

Read the Compliance Guidelines and Reporting overview, or visit these pages for more details:

  1. Covered entities defined
  2. Retailers and nonretail dealers
  3. Distributors and resellers, marketers or jobbers
  4. Fuel terminal or fuel importer (below)
  5. Wholesale purchaser-consumer

Carbon intensity standard

Compliance with the carbon intensity standard will be a partnership between distributors and fuel retailers, and possibly fuel importers under Book and Claim. There are three compliance options available, which have been described in more detail on the retailers webpage:

Options 1 and 2: Product Transfer Documents and Delivered Fuel Summary. If fuel terminals can provide a fuel pathway code on at least one product transfer document each time fuel is offloaded from a rack, then retailers and distributors can both comply with the carbon intensity standard through either Product Transfer Documents or Delivered Fuel Summary.

Option 3: Book and Claim. Another option to comply is Book and Claim compliance. Book and Claim compliance requires quarterly and annual reporting by fuel importers to the city on behalf of distributors and retailers. This reporting will mirror the schedule for reporting under the Oregon Clean Fuels Program. Content required for reporting is similar to what is already required for fuel importers by the Oregon program. Specifics on reported data can be found in Section 6.E.1 of the Administrative Rules.

Fuel importers who opt to work with retailers and distributors to comply through Book and Claim are required to submit a written agreement accepting responsibility for quarterly and annual compliance reporting on behalf of one or more covered entities. A memo of understanding among the parties is sufficient. Written agreements must be executed before the start of the compliance period, July 1.

At a minimum, written agreements must include:

  1. A commitment to submit true, accurate and timely compliance reports to BPS, as required.
  2. A clear understanding of how parties will manage audits and any issues of non-compliance.
  3. A contact (including a full name and contact information) for each party who is authorized to respond to compliance and reporting issues.
  4. Physical site addresses covered by the agreement where motor vehicle fuels are stored, transferred, or sold.
  5. A signature from an individual from each party who is authorized to enter into agreements for their entity.
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