Covered entities defined

Fuel distributors, resellers, retailers, nonretail dealers, terminals, importers and wholesale purchaser-consumers are directly regulated by PCC Chapter 16.60 and referred to as “covered entities.”

The following definitions are intended to create clarity for different entities about their expectations and roles in compliance with PCC Chapter 16.60.

For all entities, one thing is consistent: It is illegal to sell or distribute fuel in the city of Portland that does not comply with PCC Chapter 16.60.

PCC Chapter 16.60 regulates a variety of different entities involved in the sale of motor vehicle fuels in the City of Portland. The definition of covered entities is intended to be broad enough to capture the complexity of fuel markets and diesel fuel consumers. Not all fuel is sold by retailers, as there are also nonretail dealers and fuel marketers who sell fuels in bulk for large consumers. Large consumers – referred to as wholesale purchaser-consumers – include public and private fleets that have fuel delivered directly to their facilities or into vehicle tanks. 

Visit the pages specific to each covered entity for details about the RFS requirements:

Fuel retailer: Any entity within the city of Portland that owns, leases, operates, controls, or supervises an establishment at which motor vehicle fuel is sold or offered for sale to the public.

Nonretail fuel dealer: Any entity that owns, leases, operates, controls, or supervises an establishment in the city of Portland at which motor vehicles fuel is dispensed through a card or key-activated fuel dispensing device to nonretail customers.

Fuel reseller, sometimes also called a jobber or marketer: Any entity that purchases fuel and resells or transfers it to a fuel distributor, retailer, nonretail dealer, or wholesale purchaser-consumer.

Fuel distributor: Any entity that causes the transportation or storage of fuel at any point between a refinery or importer's facility and any retail outlet or wholesale purchaser-consumer within the city of Portland. For the purposes of compliance with PCC Chapter 16.60 and the Administrative Rules, this definition only includes entities that conduct business activities below the rack.

Fuel importer: Any entity that brings a fuel product into Oregon from outside of the state. Including any person owning fuel from locations outside of Oregon at the time fuel is brought into this state by any means of transport, other than fuel brought into this state in the fuel tank of a vehicle used to propel the vehicle.

Fuel terminal: Any entity that operates a facility, including pipeline terminals, refinery terminals, rail and barge terminals, and associated underground and above ground storage tanks, from which motor vehicle fuels are withdrawn in bulk.

Wholesale purchaser-consumer: Any entity that owns or operates a diesel vehicle fleet, is an ultimate consumer of fuel, obtains fuel from a distributor or reseller, and receives delivery of that product into a storage tank or directly into a vehicle’s tank.