BPS is looking for members for a Renewable Fuel Standard Technical Advisory Committee (RFS TAC). The seven-member RFS TAC will consist of renewable fuel producers and suppliers as well as an economist. Members will share their knowledge about technical and economic issues with the Bureau Director.
The online application to join the RFS TAC is open through June 4, 2023. Members will share their collective knowledge of technical and economic issues. The goal of this committee is to update the BPS Director on the implementation of Portland City Code 16.60. The RFS TAC will issue two reports about renewable fuel market conditions for the BPS Director to consider.
BPS seeks to fill these seven seats:
- 1 economist
- 3 renewable fuel producers
- 1 wholesale renewable fuel supplier (aka distributor)
- 2 renewable fuel retailers
If you want to serve your community, improve government and offer one of these levels of expertise, please fill out an online application. Applications are due by 11:59 P.M. on June 4, 2023. To be eligible, members must work, do business or want to do business in the City of Portland and have experience in the diesel fuel market.
Ideal applicants believe government is better when it involves community. They can attend quarterly meetings. They also bring a deep understanding of diesel fuel market. This includes renewable fuel alternatives, their supply, demand, production and prices.
If you have questions about this opportunity or want assistance completing the application, please contact Pam Neild at pam.neild@portlandoregon.gov or 971-288-8630.
The RFS TAC will meet quarterly, or as needed, and member input will help guide the exact time and location of meetings. Members will serve either one or two four-year terms. The RFS TAC is a temporary body and will dissolve by December 31, 2030.
Learn more about this opportunity in the online application. Find more information about the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Code Update on our website.