According to the USDOE, Portland is a leading community in the nationwide effort to build a robust network of Home Energy Assessors. “A few Home Energy Score Partners are leading the way in recruiting, training, and managing Assessors. The Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund has over 100 Assessors in Connecticut that deliver the Score in conjunction with the state’s direct install program. Focus on Energy (Wisconsin), InterNACHI (nationwide),City of Portland (Oregon), and StopWaste/City of Berkeley (California) each have about 50 Assessors currently offering Scores.”
To complete a Home Energy Score and Report, Assessors spend approximately an hour walking through a house, taking measurements and collecting data to enter into the Scoring Tool, a standardized energy estimation tool. The Assessors then provide a Home Energy Score and Report to the home’s occupants.
The Score rates the home on a 10-point scale, where 10 represents a highly efficient home; provides an estimate of annual energy costs assuming average occupant behavior; and includes customized recommendations to homeowners and potential home buyers for how to make the home more energy efficient. Score recipients then have the option to pursue these recommendations on their own terms, and potentially help themselves save on future housing costs along the way.
To become qualified Home Energy Assessors, each of these professionals have completed online, classroom and field training, mentoring and testing. Several professions, including home inspectors, realtors, and energy auditors are eligible for this training. The training, testing and mentoring, coupled with quality assurance measures, will ensure that Assessors consistently collect data and generate accurate Scores.
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