The Clean Industry Assessment and Roadmap Advisory Group helps shape a vision and strategy for Portland’s industries to thrive while supporting the environment and community wealth.
The Advisory Group includes private, public, and nonprofit leaders that represent diverse organizations and expertise. The group includes people in manufacturing, utilities, government, community and environmental justice, labor, business assistance, and higher education.
We appreciate the time and thoughts shared by each person and thank them for their service. Their insights and collaboration are key to the project’s success. Acknowledgement below does not imply endorsement by Advisory Group members or their organizations.
- BlueGreen Alliance
- Clean Energy Transition Institute (CETI)
- Climate Solutions
- Columbia Corridor Association
- COR – City of Roses Disposal and Recycling
- Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO)
- Evraz Oregon Steel Mills
- Greater Portland Inc (GPI)
- Multnomah County Office of Sustainability
- National Energy Technology Laboratory - Albany
- Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA)
- Neighbors for Clean Air
- Northwest Natural
- Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE)
- Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center (OMIC)
- Oregon State University Industrial Assessment Center (OSU IAC)
- Pacific Power
- Portland Business Alliance (PBA)
- Portland Community College
- Portland General Electric (PGE)
- Port of Portland
- Prosper Portland
- Portland State University (PSU)
- Schnitzer Steel
- Verde
- VertueLab
- Vigor
- Willamette Technical Fabricators