PCEF resources for grantees

Image of person using a laptop at a desk with a cup of tea, a cellphone, and papers.
We've created these resource pages as a guide for grantees. Looking for something that isn't featured here? Let us know!
On this page

Energy efficiency and renewable energy

These resources are for grantees who are working on energy efficiency and renewable energy. Includes eligible measures, quality assurance, contractor guidance, videos, and installation checklists. We provide guidance on planning and implementing a PCEF Community Responsive Grant project that includes energy efficiency and renewable energy installations. 

Read the energy resources

Workforce and contractor training videos - RISE Up

What is the training program?

RISE Up is a safe and respectful workplace program designed for the construction industry that incorporates bystander intervention and harassment prevention training to ensure construction jobsites are safe and inclusive.

Why do I need it?

All workers have the right to a safe and respectful jobsite. To support this goal, PCEF requires that all workers and supervisors on PCEF-funded projects with construction-related improvements receive RISE Up training. 

Watch the training videos

Workforce and Contractor Equity Agreement

All projects must draft a plan for achieving or maintaining an inclusive contracting and workforce. Your PCEF project manager will review and assist you (if needed) to create this as an early activity of your project. Read our Workforce and Contractor Equity Agreement below.

Glossary of terms

Find definitions to terms commonly referred to in our PCEF program. Here, we define them all from A to Z. 

Read the glossary