PCEF Climate Investment Plan: Nonprofit Workshop on the Preliminary Draft (In-person)

Community Event
Nonprofits and community organizations are welcome to attend.
1:30 pm 4:00 pm

Nonprofits and community groups have already been organizing community members around solutions to climate change. They are also a key partner in implementing the goals set forth in the Climate Investment Plan. This nonprofit workshop is designed to provide intentional space to hear your feedback on the preliminary draft of the Climate Investment Plan.

Who: Nonprofit organizations and community organizations interested in informing how the City's Portland Clean Energy Fund program invests its resources to address the climate crisis while advancing racial and social justice.

What: This workshop is geared towards nonprofits and community organizations. This event will include a briefing of how the preliminary draft impacts nonprofits. There will be a facilitated discussion activity to provide input on the preliminary draft and an open networking opportunity for nonprofits.

Where: The Melody Event Center, 615 SE Alder St Suite B, Portland, OR 97214

Meeting Materials



Portland Clean Energy Fund