2035 Comprehensive Plan goes Live!

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Portland’s new 2035 Comprehensive Plan went into effect this afternoon at 1 p.m. The 20-year plan includes new land use policies, land use maps and zoning, and new public facilities plans. This was the largest overhaul of Portland’s land use plan since the City’s original Comprehensive was adopted in 1980. 

The plan was adopted by City Council in June 2016, with a delayed effective date to allow time for state review. The Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) issued an order in December approving the plan. In March the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) voted to reject six appeals that had been filed to block elements of the plan.

Implementation plans in effect

Corresponding revisions to zoning maps and codes also took effect today. The major changes include new mixed use and commercial zoning, new campus institutional zoning at major colleges and hospitals, and tighter protections for prime industrial land. 

In total, 15 percent of the city’s land area was rezoned. New community involvement procedures also took effect, placing greater emphasis on involving renters, communities of color, immigrants and others who have not typically participated in land use decisions. 

First amendments adopted, too

City Council also voted today on the first amendments to the plan. A package of largely technical code and map revisions were made to resolve issues that had been identified after June 2016. The Council also took a vote on the Central City 2035 Plan, which will take effect next month.

Although the plan is now in place, LCDC’s decision may still be appealed to the Court of Appeals. State agencies have approved the plan, but it will not be officially “acknowledged” until further appeal opportunities have been exhausted. Until then, a direct evaluation of conformance with state land use goals will be required with some local land use decisions.