BPS Strategic Plan

BPS Strategic Plan cover
BPS’s work leads with equity as we create a healthy, prosperous and resilient city for all Portlanders, today and in the future.
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About the Plan

Our newly released strategic plan for 2021-24 aims to make Portland a more equitable, prosperous, healthy and resilient city. The plan establishes goals, strategies and metrics to track our progress as we increase access to healthy communities for all, lead climate justice work, launch a clean air protection program, expand opportunities for BIPOC-owned businesses, adopt data privacy protections and increase digital access for all. That’s a lot! So, dive in to see how we plan to do this with valued partners, technology and tools, community knowledge and experience.

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All communities need opportunities to shape their own present and future — through access to housing, jobs, services, accessible data, environmental amenities, transit, and more — regardless of background, race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, age, income, or place of birth or residence.

Advancing equity in Portland means improving the way the city works,  starting with how City government and its partners make decisions, invest, and engage with Portlanders and each other to achieve success.

The Strategic Plan aims to ensure:

  • BIPOC Portlanders have greater household prosperity, fewer income and health disparities, and cleaner air (indoors and outdoors).
  • Priority communities experience enhanced and restored natural systems that reduce flooding, extreme heat and rain events, and poor air quality.
  • All Portlanders — including renters — have access to high quality garbage and recycling services.
  • More accessible, transparent and secure data increases access to government and informed decision-making as well as trust in city government.

See page 13 in the Strategic Plan for how we'll get there and measure our progress.


Health is a human right; it allows us to live productive and meaningful lives. When we are healthy, we can learn and work fully and actively participate in our communities.

Portland’s health disparities must be eradicated, and all Portlanders should have access to the resources that support their health and well-being. These include connected neighborhoods with transit, schools, parks, shopping, sidewalks, restaurants, bike paths, and access to the natural environment, child and adult care, libraries, health clinics, re-use centers and other community amenities. A healthy city also reduces carbon across the economy, including harmful air pollution that causes asthma, respiratory diseases, cancer, and other threats to public health.

The Strategic Plan aims to ensure:

  • More Portlanders are protected from pollution, and health disparities in priority communities are reduced.
  • Carbon emissions from buildings, transportation, industry, construction materials and manufactured goods decrease.
  • Air quality improves, decreasing rates of asthma, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, and cancer, especially in priority communities.
  • Emissions from food production and waste decrease.
  • More East Portlanders have safe and easy access to healthy, connected communities.
  • Portland becomes a zero-carbon city by 2050 or sooner.

See page 15 in the Strategic Plan for how we'll get there and measure our progress.


A prosperous Portland is a city where everyone is welcome, housed, and able to succeed. Portland transitions to a more circular and green economy, where the needs of all are met while not living beyond the means of our planet.

To address the region’s widening wage inequality, racial disparities, and affordability hardships, we leverage cross-bureau partnerships and work with communities, businesses, and nonprofit organizations to facilitate housing opportunities, business development, and middle-income job growth.

The Strategic Plan aims to ensure:

  • The supply of housing keeps pace with population growth, and more diverse  and climate-friendly housing types are built in connected centers and neighborhoods so priority populations can stay rooted in their community.
  • Middle wage jobs and the green economy increase for people of color, women, and those with disabilities.
  • Portland becomes a leader in clean materials and industry development.
  • Land use and development policies contribute to Portland’s economic recovery, especially in the Central City and Portland’s vital centers and corridors.

See page 17 in the Strategic Plan for how we'll get there and measure our progress.


A resilient city successfully plans and prepares for climate impacts, adapting to economic, social, and natural systems changes. Using data analysis, science, partnerships and policy, we create a zero-carbon and just future —  and opportunities out of challenges.

A resilient city protects and supports its vulnerable populations and natural environment, preventing harm and allowing for quick and sustained recovery in the face of disaster and climate disruption. Our built environment is designed and powered to provide safe, enduring, and adaptable spaces where we can live, work, recreate, and thrive.

The Strategic Plan aims to ensure:

  • Natural systems are protected and expanded to increase resilience to a changing climate, including extreme heat and rain events.
  • All Portlanders have access to nature in their neighborhood, and tree canopy in East Portland increases.
  • Fish and wildlife have access to safe and functional natural systems for food, nesting and migration.
  • We are on track for 100% clean, renewable energy by 2030.
  • Priority communities help shape climate actions and experience greater environmental justice and health protections.

See page 19 in the Strategic Plan for how we'll get there and measure our progress.

View the 2021-24 BPS Strategic Plan

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