Human Resources Analytics

Analytics for recruitments in the City of Portland
On this page

The Bureau of Human Resources Dashboard is an interactive data visualization that allows exploration of key metrics related to recruitment and retention. This tool is updated monthly to depict the prior months' performance measures.

Public Dashboard Information 

Public Human Resources Analytics Dashboard

Internal Dashboard Information  

City Employees can click here to view the internal Human Resources Analytics Dashboards 

Dashboard Overview and Features

Welcome to the Human Resources Analytics Dashboard in Tableau!  We’d like to highlight some of the features of the dashboard and provide you with some tips for how to navigate it successfully.

Features include:

  • Data from FY16 to the present for most visualizations to allow for year-over-year comparison
  • Ability to view metrics at the bureau and classification level
  • Tabular organization to allow viewing of related metrics in the same screen

Data for the Portland Police Bureau currently is not included in the Citywide dashboard.  This is due to differences between recruitments conducted by the Portland Police Bureau that tend to lead to a longer recruitment process relative to recruitments conducted by other bureaus.

Dashboard Navigation Tips

The Bureau of Human Resources Dashboard is highly interactive.  You can drill down to a more detailed view, highlight specific data or types of data, and view additional information about various types of data.  Here are some tips to help you navigate the dashboard.

Viewing Dashboard Tabs

The dashboard has multiple tabs.  Tabs are displayed at the top of the dashboard.  You can move from one tab to the next by clicking on the tab, or by clicking on the dropdown menu to the left of the tabs and selecting the section of the dashboard you want to visit. 

Each tab contains a set of related data visualizations.  A visualization is the presentation of data in a graphical format that enables you to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in the data.

Using Filters

The right sidebar of most tabs of the dashboard has four filters: Fiscal Year, Bureau, Class Title, and Casual or Non-Casual.  The Filters in Tableau allow you to interact with the data by limiting your view to a subset of the overall data.  For example, the Fiscal Year filter allows you to view only data for a specific fiscal year, and the Bureau filter allows you to view data only for a specific bureau.

Filter Presets

When you first open the dashboard, the Fiscal Year filter will be preset to the current fiscal year.

If you’d like to compare the data for two fiscal years, you can open one copy of the dashboard in one window and set the filter to show data for one fiscal year and open another copy of the dashboard in a second window and set the fiscal year filter to show data for the other fiscal year.

How to Select and Clear Filters

Click the down arrow to open the dropdown menu for a filter so you can make a selection.  Note that you must click the down arrow again if you wish to close the dropdown menu.  This is important since the values in the menu may cover up a filter or legend you want to see below.

To make a selection in a filter, first uncheck All.  This will temporarily result in no data being displayed in the dashboard.  All four of the filters must have something selected for data to display.  When you make a selection for the filter (for example, when you select a specific bureau in the Bureau filter), data will be displayed for that selection.

You can clear a filter by selecting All.  A short cut to clearing a filter is to hover over the dropdown menu for that filter until you see a funnel icon that you can click that will return the setting for that filter to All.  Note:  The Bureau filter does not have a short cut; you must select All to clear the Bureau filter.

Additional Notes about Filters

When you select a filter on one tab of the dashboard, the filter is applied to all the tabs of the dashboard.  For example, if you select your bureau from the Bureau filter, and move from tab to tab, you will see metrics only for that bureau until you select a different bureau.

The dashboard filters are cascading, which means the selection on the first filter causes the second filter to be limited to only those values that are now relevant.  If you have selected a bureau from the Bureau filter, only classifications that exist in that bureau and have data in the dashboard for the fiscal year you have selected will be available for you to choose from the Class Title filter. 

If you would like to view data for a specific classification for all bureaus, leave All checked in the Bureau filter, and then select a classification using the Class Title filter.  If you would like to view data for a specific classification in a specific bureau, first select the bureau and then select the classification. 

If any metric on a particular tab does not have data displayed, that means that for the specific filters you have selected, there is no data for that metric.  For example, if you select FY19, a specific bureau, and a specific classification, and there is data displayed for Time to Fill but no data displayed for Time to Post, that means that a vacancy was filled in FY19 for that classification, but no new jobs in that classification were posted during FY19.

When you select a fiscal year, bureau or class, the headings for each visualization do not change to tell you which year, bureau or class you are viewing, but you can refer to the filter to remind yourself.  The figures in the subheadings (e.g., Average Time to Fill, Average Time to Post, etc.) do change to reflect the accurate figure for the fiscal year, bureau, or classification you have chosen.

Highlighting Data

Highlighting allows you to focus your attention on a particular segment of data or a data type of interest by coloring the segment of data or data type and dimming all others.

You can click on one specific section of a bar chart or pie chart to highlight it. To un-highlight the section, click on it again or click anywhere in the white space for the visualization.

You can also click on the color-coded legend in the right sidebar to highlight a specific type of data (e.g., a specific List Type, a specific Race/Ethnicity, etc.).  To un-highlight that data type, click on the data type in the legend again or click anywhere in the white space for the visualization.

Viewing Data Labels and Tooltips

Many dashboard elements have data labels that display numerical information about a particular segment of a chart (e.g., number of requisitions, number of days, numbers and percentages of applicants and hires, etc.).

tooltip is a small box of information that displays additional data when you hover your pointer over a specific segment of a bar chart or pie chart. 

If a segment of a bar chart or pie chart does not have a visible label, that is because it would overlap with other labels in the chart, making it difficult to read.  You can see the same information that would have shown in the label by hovering over the segment and viewing the tooltip.

Understanding Dates in the Dashboard

To learn more about the date parameters for a particular metric, look at the tooltip for any portion of its associated bar chart.  For example, for the Time to Fill metric, if you hover over a segment of the bar chart you will see that the data is based on the month an offer was made.  Time to Post is calculated based on the month the requisition was received.  And the Closing to List calculation is based on the month a recruitment closed.

Notes about Specific Dashboard Elements

Qualified Applicant and Hire Diversity and Sourcing Metrics

If you have selected a specific bureau, and there is hire data but no applicant data, it is possible that the recruitment was a multi-bureau recruitment and another bureau submitted the requisition to initiate the recruitment.  To display the applicant data, unselect the bureau from the Bureau filter so that data from all bureaus can be displayed.

Quality of Hire Metrics - Attrition 

Hire attrition data includes both new hires and rehires who left City employment during the first year after they were hired or rehired.

Recruitment Event Metrics

Data for Recruitment Event Metrics is only included in the dashboard for FY19 to the present.  If you select a fiscal year prior to FY19, no events will display.