Each bureau has a Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) coordinator that can assist employees, including providing FMLA forms and additional information.
PLEASE NOTE: The City of Portland does not administer Paid Leave Oregon. For assistance with Paid Leave Oregon, go to Home - Paid Leave Oregon.
Forms and Postings
FMLA Poster - Poster prepared by the U.S. Department of Labor and summarizing the Family and Medical Leave Act.
OFLA Poster - Poster prepared by the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries summarizing the Oregon Family Leave Act.
Family Medical Leave (FMLA) Coordinator List
Attorney’s Office | Elizabeth Brandenburg | Elizabeth.Brandenburg@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-279- 3932 |
Auditor’s Office | Andrew Bryans | Andrew.Bryans@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-823- 4571 |
Bureau of Development Services (BDS) | Oretha Storey | Oretha.Storey@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-865- 3475 |
Bureau of Emergency Communications (BOEC) | Elizabeth Brandenburg | Elizabeth.Brandenburg@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-279- 3932 |
Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) | Lisa Howard | BESFMLA@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-865- 3473 |
Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) | Chris Dornan | Chris.Dornan@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-865- 3043 |
City Budget Office | Elizabeth Brandenburg | Elizabeth.Brandenburg@portlandoregon.gov Phone: 503-477- 2446 Fax: 503-279- 3932 |
Equity and Human Rights | Elizabeth Brandenburg | Elizabeth.Brandenburg@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-279- 3932 |
Fire & Police Disability Retirement Fund (FPD&R) | Shelby Hemphill | Shelby.Hemphill@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-865- 3281 |
Fire & Rescue | Anna DiBenedetto | Anna.DiBenedetto@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-865- 3299 |
Government Relations | Elizabeth Brandenburg | Elizabeth.Brandenburg@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-279- 3932 |
Independent Police Review (IPR) | Shelby Hemphill | Shelby.Hemphill@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-865- 3281 |
Mayor and Commissioner Offices | Shelby Hemphill | Shelby.Hemphill@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-865- 3281 |
Office for Community Technology (OCT) | Chris Dornan | Chris.Dornan@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-865- 3043 |
OMF – Bureau of Human Resources (BHR) | Shelby Hemphill | Shelby.Hemphill@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-865- 3281 |
OMF – All Other (BRFS, CAO, CSD, BTS, EBS, P&D) | Shelby Hemphill | Shelby.Hemphill@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-865- 3281 |
Office of Community and Civic Life | Elizabeth Brandenburg | Elizabeth.Brandenburg@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-279- 3932 |
Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) | Elizabeth Brandenburg | Elizabeth.Brandenburg@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-279- 3932 |
Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) | Beth Van Aernem | pbotfmlacoord@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-279- 2660 |
Portland Children’s Levy | Elizabeth Brandenburg | Elizabeth.Brandenburg@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-279- 3932 |
Portland Housing Bureau (PHB) | Letimya Clayton | Letimya.Clatyon@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-865- 3426 |
Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) | Kelly Taylor | Kelly.Taylor@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-865- 3041 |
Portland Police Bureau (PPB) | Jeff Morris | James.Morris@police.portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-823- 0358 |
Portland Water Bureau (PWB) | Cailey Woodward (Customer Service and Interstate M&C) | Cailey.Woodward@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-279- 2699 |
Brooke Gardner (Engineering Services & Operations) | Brooke.E.Gardner@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-279- 2699 | |
Angie Harris (Downtown and back-up coverage for Cailey & Brooke) | Angie.Harris@portlandoregon.gov Fax: 503-279- 2699 |