Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
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City of Portland prepares for labor strike to begin next week

News Article
A horizontal banner shows an illustration of the Portland skyline and the headline "City of Portland Bargaining Update."
The City of Portland is preparing for approximately 200 City employees represented by the District Council of Trade Unions to go on strike Feb. 6. More could follow.

The City began negotiating new contracts with three bargaining units last spring and has been preparing for the possibility of a labor strike since two of the unions declared impasse in December, followed by the City and both unions exchanging final offers. The District Council of Trade Unions (DCTU) and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME 189) represent approximately 1,200 City workers who could strike in February. 

DCTU notified the City yesterday that they intend to strike at 9 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 6 if an agreement is not reached. 

Given the anticipated work stoppage of 200 DCTU employees—and the potential for AFSCME 189 to also choose to strike—the City is finalizing plans to ensure the essential services Portlanders rely on everyday are minimally disrupted. 

DCTU employees work for Fleet, Facilities, Water, Environmental Services, Permitting & Development, Transportation and Parks; they provide internal services to other City bureaus and programs—and they provide essential services to our community. Citywide planning efforts have been underway to coordinate continued services should a strike occur.

See the City's previous bargaining updates at Portland.gov/Bargaining/News.

District Council of Trade Unions (DCTU)

Represented Workforce

The District Council of Trade Unions represents about 200 City of Portland employees, across more than half a dozen bureaus. The highest concentration of members work in Fleet & Facilities, Water, Environmental Services, Permitting & Development and Transportation.

The average DCTU member earned approximately $102,000 in the most recent budget year, with an average total compensation package of about $158,000.

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)

Represented Workforce

With more than 1,000 members, AFSCME is the City of Portland’s largest bargaining unit. Members span every service area, with the largest numbers in Water, Transportation, Police, Permitting & Development and Budget & Finance.

The average AFSCME member earned approximately $87,000 in the most recent budget year, with an average total compensation package of about $139,000.

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