PPA Bargaining - Webinar

Collective Bargaining Session: City of Portland and Portland Police Association. Webinar locked until 9:00am

9:00 am 3:00 pm

Registration to observe this  collective bargaining session between the City of Portland and the Portland Police Association will be provided closer to this date. Please check back for updates. 

The City of Portland and the Portland Police Association's next bargaining session is scheduled on March 10, 2021. This bargaining session is City-hosted and therefore will be open to the public for observation. Due to COVID-19, the parties have agreed that bargaining will be on Zoom, at least for now. Anyone who wants to observe bargaining must review and agree to the Observer Rules. Please use the link here to review the rules posted:

Webinar Registration - Zoom

If you would like to observe bargaining, you will need to register to receive a Zoom link. Although the City has a large Zoom account, it does have limits, so please sign up early to ensure your attendance.

The City of Portland ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities to comply with Civil Rights Tittle VI and ADA Title II laws and reasonably provides: translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, auxiliary aids and services. In accordance with this, the City plans to provide the services of an American Sign Language interpreter and open captioning (CART) during these bargaining sessions. If you need some other accommodation, there is a place on the registration to make your request.

Finally, please keep in mind that the City of Portland’s is still in the early stages of this new process of bargaining virtually with public observers, and we thank you for your patience as we do our best to ensure it works smoothly. Following the webinar, the City will send a follow-up email requesting feedback from attendees about accessing the Zoom webinar