Human Resources Administrative Rules (HRAR)

image of two stacks of law, policy and rule books with a gavel in the middle of the stacks
The Bureau of Human Resources Administrative Rules for the City of Portland
On this page

The Administrative Rules are direct policies and procedures of a continuing nature. These rules remain in full force and effect until officially revised, superseded or repealed by the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer through the revisions or repeals process.

The Bureau of Human Resources is responsible for facilitating the revisions or repeals process. A comprehensive review process of all Administrative Rules is done on an annual basis and as needed throughout the year.

1.0 Administrative

2.0 Equal Employment

3.0 Employment

4.0 Employee Behavior & Expectations

5.0 Discipline

6.0 Leaves

7.0 Employee Movement 

8.0 Classification & Compensation

9.0 Employee Development

10.0 Employee Benefits 

11.0 Ethical Conduct