Services, Guides, and Information

21 services and resources found
Instructions to access the City's new benefits portal, BusinessSolver.
Benefit Summaries, Highlights Guides & Summary Plan Description Booklets
Information for newly hired Seasonal Maintenance Workers, Seasonal Park Rangers, and employees eligible for benefits by meeting the Affordable Care Act (ACA) eligiblity rules.
Bloodborne Pathogen Program Guidelines & Exposure Control Plan
The City of Portland is committed to promoting safe work practices to minimize exposure and the incidence of disease caused by these pathogens.
CityStrong GuidanceResources®
City of Portland job classifications
The City of Portland is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and is committed to providing equitable, inclusive employment opportunities and workplaces for people with disabilities at all levels.  
Deferred Compensation Program Financial Wellness Education
The City of Portland’s benefit coverage supports gender affirming and culturally competent care for our plan participants. Below are some resources available within our Moda and Kaiser plans.
BHR provides employment verification for mortgage applications, reference checks, loan applications, apartment leases, and anything that requires proof of employment.
Summary of wellness options through different City benefit plans offered to employees.
The Bureau of Human Resources Administrative Rules for the City of Portland
Learn about your benefits options and how to make your selections.
The Occupational Health & Well-being program ensures that all personnel work safely and effectively during their careers and maintain healthy lifestyle choices continuing into their retirement.
Guidelines for the Dispensing of Medical Countermeasures to City of Portland Employees and Households in a Public Health Emergency
The Preventive Care Initiative applies to Non-Represented employees and union employees represented by PPA, PPCOA, PROTEC 17, Recreation Leaders, Portland City Laborers (PCL), PPA-BOEC, DCTU and PFFA.
Information and forms to complete the medical evaluation that determines an employee's ability to safely use a respirator as part of the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard. (1910.134)
Instructions to access the City's new benefits portal, BusinessSolver.