Willamette Cove Cleanup

The Willamette Cove Cleanup project area is located on the east side of the Willamette River, just north of the Railroad Bridge. The project area is part of the larger Portland Harbor Superfund Site.
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Project Areas and Roles

From the 1900s to 1970s, Willamette Cove was used extensively for heavy industrial activity, including a lumber mill, barrel construction, and ship repair activities with significant over-water activity. The in-water, shoreline, and upland areas require environmental action to address the contamination resulting from these activities. Each area is considered a separate project area with different parties coordinating their respective efforts.

The City of Portland, Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL), and the Port of Portland are designing the in-water and shoreline area cleanup. The Port of Portland and Metro are addressing the upland contamination.

How to Get Involved

You can also stay connected through groups like the Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group, Portland Harbor Community Coalition, Portland Audubon, Willamette Riverkeeper, and Willamette River Advocacy Group.

Environmental Field Day

Discover the science behind environmental cleanups at the Willamette Cove Environmental Field Day on Saturday, October 7, from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M.

The Field Day will feature hands-on science challenges and games, interactive demonstrations and activities, history, exploration stations, and information.

The event will host Tribes with historical and cultural connections to the area as well as government agencies and community-based organizations involved in the cleanup. Portlanders will also have a chance to learn all about the area and why cleaning up Willamette Cove and the Portland Harbor Superfund Site in the Willamette River is so important. 

Registration isn’t required to attend, but is encouraged. For more details and to register, visit the Eventbrite page.

Co-sponsors of the Field Day include the Blueprint Foundation, Portland Harbor Community Coalition, Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group, and Portland Audubon. 

Past Events