Report a Green Street Planter Concern

Our green street planters can get clogged, littered with trash, or need maintenance. If you notice a problem with a green street planter, please notify us. We welcome your help in keeping our rivers and streams clean.

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It should take only two to three minutes to call or email.

Gather information

When reporting a green street problem or making a request for maintenance, please provide the following: 

  • Your name, address, and telephone number.
  • Location of the green street planter.
  • Include: property address, nearest street intersection, or the address of an adjacent property.
  • Description of the problem or concern.

Call or send an email

Please call and leave a message (503-823-1424) for the Green Street Operations and Maintenance team or send an email (besstormwaterom@portlandoregon…). 

Thank you for helping to keep Portland's green street planters looking good and functioning properly to protect our rivers and streams! Find more information about green streets.