Apply for a Construction Dewatering Permit

Businesses may request temporary discharges of groundwater or impounded stormwater generated from construction or demolition activities to the City's sanitary or stormwater sewer systems. Learn how to apply for a Construction Dewatering Permit on this page.

Discharge Requirements

Before submitting an application for a Construction Dewatering Permit, please review the requirements in the Guide for Construction Dewatering Permits.

How to Apply

Please submit an application at least two weeks prior to planned discharge.

Step 1: Complete Construction Dewatering Discharge Application

The application must be complete to be accepted by the City, including all maps, drawings, or photos.

Step 2: Submit Completed Application

Email the completed application to

Emailed applications are preferred, however, you can also mail your application to:

City of Portland Environmental Services
Water Pollution Control Lab
Attn: Batch Discharge Program
6543 N Burlington Ave
Portland, OR 97203-5452

Step 3: Receive Construction Dewatering Permit

The City will review and either approve or deny the application. The City reserves the right to reasonably deny applications or revoke permits at any time. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for processing. Incomplete or unsigned applications cannot be processed.

If denied, the City will specify the next steps, which may be to resubmit the application or to find another method of legal disposal.

If approved, the City will issue a Construction Dewatering Permit. Discharges must meet the specified discharge conditions and timeframe of allowable discharge.

Extensions or revisions must be requested or prior to the expiration date.

Step 4: Close Construction Dewatering Permit

To close the permit, a final summary report must be completed and submitted by the due date signed by the authorization holder. The final report document will be sent to you when you receive authorization.

The City will calculate charges and invoice for the authorization fee, volume, or other charges if applicable. Please pay the invoice once received.

Additional Resources

If you have any questions, more resources, information, and answers to commonly asked questions can be found in the Guide for Batch Construction Dewatering Permits.