The application forms take 20 to 30 minutes to complete.
To Request Discharge Authorization
Producers of craft fermented beverages must complete and submit the Craft Fermented Beverage Manufacturer Discharge Application form to apply for authorization to discharge to the City's sewer system. Find more information in the Guide to Craft Fermented Beverage Industry Rules.
Mail or email completed forms to the Environmental Services Craft Fermented Beverage Compliance Program.
To File Annual Compliance Certification
Businesses with authorization to discharge must file annual certification reports each year by October 1 that document best management practices. Follow the steps below to complete the annual certification process.
Step 1: Complete and submit the certification form
Mail or email completed forms to the Environmental Services Craft Fermented Beverage Compliance Program.
Step 2: Pay fee
The annual program fee is $180. The annual fee assists in recovering costs associated with permitting, inspecting, and monitoring facilities that meet the City’s ADCM requirements. The fee is billed at the start of the fiscal year in July.
For More Information
Contact Alternative Discharge Control Mechanism Permitting. Contact information on this page.