Traffic Advisory: Traffic lanes on W Burnside Street to be shifted as crews repair sinkhole off of the shoulder

Traffic Advisory

Starting Tuesday, December 19, traffic lanes on W Burnside Street near its intersection with NW Skyline Blvd will be slightly shifted as crews repair a sinkhole that emerged last week due to a broken stormwater pipe. Repairs are expected to take two to three days, with regular traffic lane layout resuming after that.
Crews will be onsite during daytime hours. Please slow down and use caution around work crews and work sites. 
Signage and delineator posts will be placed around the work area to guide traffic and protect crews from roadway users. No lane closures are anticipated, however, some brief traffic stoppages may occur as crews maneuver around the work site. Work should be completed by the end of the week.

About Environmental Services

Environmental Services - the City of Portland’s sewer and stormwater utility - protects public health and the environment by collecting and recovering resources from the city’s wastewater, managing stormwater, and restoring and protecting Portland’s rivers, streams, and watersheds.

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