News Release: Sasquatch caught on camera roaming through restored natural area

Press Release
Environmental Services, which maintains and restores the health of Portland's watersheds, is no stranger to catching unique wildlife on its trail cameras. Beavers, otters, and minks are some of the common mammals caught on camera, but last month, something new was caught on camera – a Sasquatch.
Two pictures of Sasquatch roaming a natural area at night.

Danny Kapsch, a Stormwater and Restoration Specialist for Environmental Services, attributes the sighting to the restoration work Environmental Services and its partners have done to improve the health of Portland's rivers, streams, and natural areas. This watershed restoration leads to cleaner water, builds community resilience, and makes Portland healthier and more livable for people, fish, and wildlife.

"Restored natural areas within our city have seen the return of many native plants and animal species, such as salmon," says Danny. "But now we can truly see how well our restoration projects are working with this rare sighting - since Sasquatch are typically only seen in healthy natural areas."

During the visit, the Sasquatch also appeared to take some time to linger on a bridge connecting two wetlands. 

Environmental Services is not releasing the exact location of the sighting to protect Bigfoot. But the public is invited to view wildlife at some of the sites it has restored with community partners and follow Sasquatch's example of leaving no litter and staying on trails to protect water quality, plants, and wildlife. Popular locations that Environmental Service has recently restored include:

  • Texas Wetlands: Around SW Texas Street, where there was once flooding, unimproved streets, and unmanaged stormwater and sediment running into Stephens Creek headwaters, there are now rain gardens, a nature trail, and a restored wetland that provides habitat and protects downstream infrastructure. 
  • Crystal Springs: As a tributary to lower Johnson Creek in Southeast Portland, Crystal Springs Creek provides vital refuge areas for juvenile salmon and trout species due to its naturally cool and steady water flow. Thanks to more than 20 partners, nearly half the length of the creek has been restored through a series of eight separate projects. One project, Crystal Springs Lake Restoration, is still in progress.
  • Oaks Bottom: The Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge is a 170-acre complex of wetlands, shrublands, and woodlands that provides important habitats for fish and wildlife, including salmon and over 175 bird species. Environmental Services and its partners, Portland Parks & Recreation and the US Army Corps of Engineers, improved fish passage by constructing a larger culvert to reconnect the wildlife refuge with the Willamette River, excavated new channels to improve wildlife habitat, removed invasive species, and constructed a wildlife viewing platform.

Environmental Services would like to remind the public that the best way to enjoy our restored watersheds is to use our eyes rather than our feet. Give Sasquatch, wildlife, and native plants their space. 

There are many things the public can do to help keep Sasquatch's newly found habitat and our watersheds healthy, including picking up after their dog, planting a tree, building a rain garden, creating a backyard habitat, or volunteering for a cleanup event. 

Visit our website for more information and ideas on how you to keep our watersheds healthy

If you have read this far, everything except for the Sasquatch sighting is true. April Fools!

On April 1 and any day, we welcome you to learn more about Portland's watersheds and restoration efforts.

The City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services - your sewer and stormwater utility - provides Portland residents with programs to protect water quality and public health, including wastewater collection and treatment, sewer construction and maintenance, stormwater management, and stream and watershed restoration.