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Invasive Plant: Jubata Grass

Photo shows a highway with telephone pole and grass plants. Two grass plants in the foreground have long stems with feathery tops projecting from the middle of the grass bunch.
Jubata grass is on the Required Eradication List. All sightings should be reported. Learn more about how to report this plant.

At a Glance

Photo shows a highway with telephone pole and grass plants. Two grass plants in the foreground have long stems with feathery tops projecting from the middle of the grass bunch.
Jubata grass is on the City's Required Eradication list.
  • Scientific name: Cortaderia jubata
  • Grows from 6 to 23 feet tall.
  • Plants have long leaves rising from a tufted base.
  • Plumed clusters of hairy female flowers, deep violet when immature, turning pinkish or tawny cream-white at maturity.
  • Easily confused with pampas grass.
  • Oregon Department of Agriculture noxious weed rank: B
  • Report patches of this plant? Yes. City code lists this as a Required Eradication species. Report all sightings to Portland’s Environmental Services (contact information on this page). Management of this plant is required, but free help is available.


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