Jubata grass is on the Required Eradication List. All sightings should be reported. Learn more about how to report this plant.
At a Glance
- Scientific name: Cortaderia jubata
- Grows from 6 to 23 feet tall.
- Plants have long leaves rising from a tufted base.
- Plumed clusters of hairy female flowers, deep violet when immature, turning pinkish or tawny cream-white at maturity.
- Easily confused with pampas grass.
- Oregon Department of Agriculture noxious weed rank: B
- Report patches of this plant? Yes. City code lists this as a Required Eradication species. Report all sightings to Portland’s Environmental Services (contact information on this page). Management of this plant is required, but free help is available.
- Oregon Department of Agriculture PDF weed profile for jubata grass.