Portland’s Required Eradication List for Invasive Plants

Photo shows a collage of different types of plants
Environmental Services offers property owners free assistance to identify and remove plants on the Required Eradication List. Learn more about the 15 invasive plants on the list and how to report them.

As of July 1, 2010, Portland property owners are required to remove from their property any plant species on the City's Required Eradication List. The rule is in Portland City Code Title 29 Property Maintenance Regulations, and applies to both private and public landowners.

The requirement is part of Portland's early detection and rapid response effort to quickly locate and remove the most dangerous invasive plants before they spread. Invasive plants are easier to control if they are eradicated before they infest large areas. Large infestations are more expensive to control and can damage habitat in many ways, including increasing soil erosion, increasing rainwater runoff, and reducing food and shelter for animals.

The 15 species listed here make up the current Required Eradication List.

What To Do If You Find These Plants

If you find any of these plants on your land, you are required to remove them. Find out how to report a plant by reviewing the plant's page or by contacting Environmental Services Early Detection and Rapid Response (contact information on this page).

The City offers property owners free assistance to identify and remove plants on the Required Eradication List. Property owners can contact Environmental Services for more information.