Take Our Impact Surveys
If you have a business, organization, or live in or around the West Portland Town Center area, please complete the optional questionnaires below. These surveys will help Environmental Services design and build projects that reflect the needs of the community.
- Stormwater Survey: For all that live in or work around the West Portland Center.
- Basement Moisture Survey: For occupants and property owners who have experienced street flooding, sewer backups in basements, or groundwater seepage.
WPTCSSP will look to design a future stormwater system plan for the West Portland area. The plan will investigate and explore options to improve existing conditions to support future development, as called for in the West Portland Town Center Plan (The WPTC Plan) adopted by Portland City Council in March 2023.
WPTCSSP will help protect the needs of the public and the environment by ensuring the plan area has adequate system capacity and help to reduce costly flooding, soil erosion and landslide risks, as well as prevent sewage releases to homes, businesses, streets, greenspaces, rivers, and streams.
Plan Area and Map
The WPTCSSP planning area is centered around the intersections of SW Capitol Highway, SW Taylors Ferry Road, and SW Barbur Boulevard. Historically called 'the crossroads' it stretches north to SW Dolph Court, south to SW Pomona Street, and west to east from roughly SW 52nd to 30th Avenue.
The plan will also address stormwater runoff, and pollution concerns that impact two watersheds in South and Southwest Portland: Fanno Creek Watershed and Tyron Creek Watershed.
General Schedule
In June 2023, Environmental Services began developing a plan for the West Portland Town Center area (see plan map). The project team will continue planning through 2026.
Design and construction of the stormwater system or implementation of other possible solutions will occur after planning has concluded and may take several years to complete.
What’s Happening Now?
WPTCSSP is in the initial planning phase. The project team will center work and collaboration with city bureaus and partner agencies, service providers, environmental specialists, community members, and other interested partners to continue planning throughout 2025.
Project Background
The WPTC area is the most culturally diverse region of Southwest Portland. While the region is home to multiple parks and natural trailways, language-immersion schools, research and health universities, international supermarkets, popular ethnic restaurants, religious and community service organizations, as well as a robust network of small businesses and large corporations; the area is considered to have significant population and housing undergrowth due to the lack of public improvements.
Unlike other Portland neighborhoods and town centers, the WPTC district lacks pedestrian and biking infrastructure, on-street parking, bussing, connecting light rail service, and access to multifamily housing options. Most importantly to this planning effort, the WPTC area needs significant repair and upgrading to its stormwater infrastructure. There have been many reports of repeated street flooding, excessive sewage backups in basements, landslide hazards or risks, and the need for traffic calming support.
BES Commitment to Building Healthy and Sustainable Communities
WPTCSSP will play a major factor in building and connecting vibrant communities in the WPTC area. It will also help support equitable housing, accessible public transportation, employment, and community service initiatives brought forth in The WPTC Plan, sponsored by the Bureau of Sustainability and Planning (BPS).
The WPTC Plan presents a vision for a healthy, connected, and multi-cultural town center, and includes an action plan to meet the diverse needs of current and future residents and businesses. The WPTC Plan and other subsidiary projects of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan will aid in the preparation for and management of expected population and employment growth, as well as plan for major public investments between now and 2035.
Project Goals
Environmental Services is developing a sanitary and stormwater systems plan to better serve West Portland Town Center while providing adequate capacity to support future community development.
Project goals will prioritize and center the following:
(1) Educating the public about the sanitary and stormwater system in their neighborhoods.
- From previous outreach during WPTC planning, we heard the need for education around infrastructure. BES will provide education and information about stormwater and the resources available to help manage it.
(2) Identify areas where BES can make improvements to the sanitary and stormwater system that will benefit current and future residents and businesses, outcomes may include:
- Programs to work with property owners to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff from existing development.
- Infrastructure projects to address existing system issues and improve system capacity to serve future growth.
- Implementation of regional stormwater facilities to reduce impacts of stormwater runoff on local streams.
- Stream enhancement projects to minimize erosion and flooding, improve water quality and overall watershed health.
(3) Work with our other city agencies and bureaus to provide alternatives/solutions as a OneCity approach.
- The City is changing to a new structure where the infrastructure bureaus will be unified. This will allow for easier cross collaboration and a unified solution approach.
What We’ve Heard from You
Environmental Services (BES) works with residents, businesses, and communities to manage stormwater throughout Portland. BES is committed to working for clean rivers. It’s our mission to protect water quality, public health, and the environment.
See below how BES planning goals will support The WPTC Plan and its Vision:
We Want to Hear from You
Environmental Services will inform residents and businesses about project activities and respond to questions and concerns in a timely manner. The following resources will help you stay informed and report concerns:
- Questions:Call the message line at 503-865-4300, stating that The WPTC Stormwater System Plan is your project of concern. Outreach staff will return your call by the next business day.
- Sewer Emergency: In the event of a sewer backup or basement flooding, call the City Maintenance hotline immediately at 503-823-1700. It is staffed all hours and all days, 24/7.
- Other South and Southwest Projects: For a list and maps of other stormwater and sewer projects, visit the webpage.
Sign Up for Project Updates
To receive email or text message updates for this project, we encourage you to sign up now. Updates provided through our free GovDelivery subscription service are the best way to stay informed about what’s happening and what to expect.
Learn More at Upcoming Events
To learn more about WPTCSSP and other projects in your area, come visit Environmental Services at the following outreach events this summer:
- The Multicultural Fair at Holly Park sponsored by HAKI Community Organization
- Saturday, September 7, 2024
- Portland Sunday Parkways – Southwest Portland
- Sunday, September 22, 2024