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South Corbett and Carolina Sewer Repair Project

Sewer and Stormwater
Environmental Services is designing a sewer project to replace 250 feet of aging pipes near private properties within the Corbett neighborhood. This project will protect public health and the environment by reducing the possibility of sewage releases to homes, businesses, and streets.
Construction is anticipated to start in the Summer of 2024 and will take up to four months to complete.
On this Page

The South Corbett and Carolina Sewer Repair Project is part of the Maintenance Capital Contract (MCC) program for Environmental Services. The urgent capacity project will install a new and appropriately sized mainline sewer system to reduce the risk of pipe collision, emergency repair, and to continue providing gravity sewer service in the area. 

Project Scope

The scope of the project is to conduct the following sewer and stormwater system improvements: 

  • Replace existing 98-feet of 18-inch clay pipe and 155-feet of 20-inch clay pipe in easements behind houses using CIPP thermal cure.
  • Active sewer laterals will be relined to the wye connection and those not plugged will be reinstated.
  • One maintenance hole will need to be raised to the surface to access it to pull the liner through.
  • Taproot and heavy root pruning will be needed and possibly removal and replacement of segments of fences on four properties.

Project Area

The project area is located at the intersection of South Corbett Avenue and South Carolina Street, across from the Carolina Pump Station.

This is a simplified map for the South Corbett and Carolina Sewer Repair Project.
The map above shows proposed sewer and stormwater improvements for the South Corbett Avenue and Carolina Sewer Repair Project. Please note that this simplified map is not up to scale.

General Schedule and Work Hours

Construction is anticipated to begin in July or August and will take up to four months to complete. The public will be notified once construction schedule is finalized.

To reduce public impacts and complete the work as quickly as possible, the City’s Noise Office has granted Environmental Services a noise variance to allow a combination of daytime, nighttime, and weekend work hours:

  • Daytime work will occur between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and Saturdays as needed. Hours may vary to limit traffic impacts. 
  • Nighttime work will occur between 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. Monday through Friday, and Saturdays as needed. Hours may vary to limit traffic impacts and noise. 

Noisier construction work to dig small trenches and access a maintenance hole will be done during the day. Cured-in-Place Pipe Lining (CIPP) may be done at night where levels of sewage and stormwater flows in the pipes are lower and less likely to negatively impact the lining.

What's Happening Now

Environmental Services and its contractors are preparing to begin construction soon. Before repairs begin contractors may need to enter homes and buildings in the project area to gather additional information to conduct necessary sewer repairs. 

Additional Site Visits throughout June 2024

Environmental Services and its contractors will coordinate with building managers and property owners to schedule site visits, arrange access, and conduct the following investigations as needed:

  • Locate, inspect, and evaluate sewer and stormwater pipes and connections, sewer service laterals, cleanouts, sump pumps, and other private plumbing facilities.
  • Determine basement and sub-basement layouts, utility vault locations and elevators, parking garage layouts, and other private property features.
  • Additionally, survey or cleanout existing sewers on private properties.
  • Identify and remark utilities in areas surrounding the sewer.
  • Collect and analyze newer soil and water samples.

What to Expect During Construction

You can expect the following activities and impacts during construction:  

  • Noise, Vibration, and Dust: Construction creates noise, vibration, and dust. These activities may disrupt normal neighborhood activity.  
  • Equipment Storage: Construction equipment and materials may be stored on streets overnight. To ensure safety please keep all children, pets, and pedestrians away from work zones.
  • Restricted Parking: Little or no on‐street parking will be allowed in and near work zone, especially during work hours. On days when crews will be working in front of your house or nearby, please plan ahead. If you park your vehicle on the street, plan to move it off the street by 7 a.m. and return it at 6 p.m.  
  • Traffic Delays: Expect traffic delays in and near the work area. The contractor will develop detailed traffic control plans for each location. 
  • Pedestrian Access: If temporary crosswalk and sidewalk closures are necessary, signage will indicate the alternate way for pedestrians to proceed.  
  • Services Maintained: Sewer, water, and other utilities are expected to remain in service during construction.  
  • Garbage Pickup: Access to garbage and recycling bins for haulers will always be maintained.  
  • Schedule Changes and Inactivity:Construction schedules can change due to a variety of factors, including conditions underground, weather, traffic impacts, subcontractor schedules, and availability of materials. These same variables may cause periods of inactivity during construction phases. 

Construction Methods

This project will use several construction methods to repair public sewer pipes. Most of the methods will be trenchless, although some of those methods will require hand digging access pits to install pipes. Trenchless methods avoid having to dig deep and long trenches to replace whole pipes. Due to reported sinkhole activity in small project area, open trench excavation is almost impossible. 

The project is currently designed to use the following construction methods:

  • Cured-in-Place-Pipe Lining (CIPP): to install liners that seal cracks, help prevent root intrusion, and restore the pipes to near-new condition.
  • Vactor Excavation: to install sewer cleanouts so that crews can access sewer connections to downtown buildings and maintain sewer service during repairs.

Public and Private Property Access

Most information-gathering activities will occur in the public right-of-way. The public right-of-way includes the street, sidewalks, planting strips, and sometimes undeveloped areas like plots or gravel spaces. In the Corbett neighborhood, the public right-of-way often extends well into what appears to be private property, including what can appear to be private front lawns or back yards. Crews will be accessing these areas to inspect, maintain, and repair public sewer pipes and maintenance holes.

Public Sewer Easements

Where the City has public sewer easements, crews may need to access private property for survey, other information-gathering activities, and eventual ongoing sewer repairs. City outreach staff will coordinate with affected property owners for access to public sewer pipes and maintenance holes.

We Want to Hear from You

Environmental Services will inform residents and businesses about project activities and respond to questions and concerns in a timely manner. The following resources will help you stay informed and report concerns:

  • Project Webpage: For current details, please visit portland.gov/bes/SCorbettCarolina.
  • Questions: Call the message line at 503-823-5759 or email city staff, stating South Corbett and Carolina Sewer Repair Project is your project of concern. Outreach staff will return your call by the next business day.
  • Sewer Emergency: In the event of a sewer backup or basement flooding, call the City Maintenance hotline immediately at 503-823-1700. It is staffed all hours and all days, 24/7.

Sign Up for Updates

Sign up for periodic email or text message updates for the South Corbett and Carolina Sewer Repair Project through our free GovDelivery subscription service. These updates are the best way to stay informed about what’s happening and what to expect. You can also sign up for bulletins on other projects and topics. 

This project will help protect the health of the Willamette River Watershed.

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