Reed Manhole Rehabilitation Project

Sewer and Stormwater
Environmental Services is designing a project to abandon an existing manhole located in a natural area on the Reed College campus and replace it with a new manhole outside of the natural area.
Construction is anticipated to begin in summer 2021.

This project will help protect public health, water quality and the environment and reduce the risks of contamination in the natural area and in Crystal Springs Creek.

Project Area

The existing manhole to be abandoned is located in a natural area on Reed College campus. The proposed location for the new manhole is on SE 28th Avenue, near Crystal Springs Creek. 

Reed Manhole Repair Project Map

We Want to Hear From You

We would like to hear from you about special events, school activities, and community services in the neighborhood that you think may be impacted by this project. Also, we want to know if you have any concerns related to business operations, disability or mobility issues, medical or business deliveries. Your input will help us minimize construction impacts to your neighborhood.   

Sewer Emergency: In the event of a sewer backup or basement flooding, call the Maintenance hotline immediately at 503-823-1700. It is staffed all hours and all days, 24/7. 

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