NE 105th and Marx Pump Station Project

Sewer and Stormwater
Environmental Services is designing a project to upgrade and expand the aging pump station located at NE Marx Street and 105th Avenue in the Parkrose neighborhood. The project will modernize equipment, increase system capacity, and help protect public health and the environment.
The project is in the design phase. Construction is anticipated to begin in fall 2025 and it will take about 18 months to complete.
On this Page

Project Area

The pump station is located on NE 105th Avenue north of NE Marx Street.

NE 10th and Marx Pump Station Project map

What’s Happening Now 

Throughout the project design process, project team members will visit the pump station and collect information that will help them develop a successful project. Activities will be limited to the pump station and its immediate surroundings.  

We Want to Hear from You

Environmental Services will inform businesses and residents about project activities and respond to questions and concerns in a timely manner. Please let us know if you have concerns such as business operations, local access, delivery routes and schedules, or other concerns.  

Project Background 

The upgrades will include designing and constructing modern equipment and controls that meet current and future demand on the public sewer system.  

Key upgrades include:  

  • New mechanical and electrical components 

  • New electrical and controls building 

  • New wet well with submersible pumps 

  • New permanent standby generator 

What is a Pump Station?

Sewage, which is 99 percent water, flows downhill, and gravity is the main force that moves sewage through pipes. However, in low-elevation areas or where sewage needs to go uphill, pump stations push the sewage up so that gravity can take over again. Portland has nearly 100 pump stations with large underground tanks (also known as wet wells) in low-elevation areas. Pump stations are equipped with specialized pipes that are built to handle the force of sewage being pushed through them.  Pump stations also have equipment that helps control odor and protects the pumps.

How do we take care of Pump Stations?

Pump stations require periodic maintenance and upgrades to help accommodate growth and future demands on the sewer system. Modernization of mechanical, electrical, and other control systems improves pump station reliability, operation, and safety, which in turn protects public health and the environment.  In Portland, operators at the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant monitor the City’s pump stations remotely to ensure proper functionality. They can quickly respond to emergencies like power outages or pump blockages.

Visit the About our Sewer System webpage to learn more about how pump stations fit into the larger public sewer and wastewater system.

Sign Up for Updates 

Sign up for email updates. Select NE 105th and Marx Pump Station Project. 


Emily Volpert (she/her)

Public Involvement Coordinator
