N Thunderbird Way Outfall Repair Project

Sewer and Stormwater
Environmental Services has completed major construction activities on a project to repair aging stormwater pipe and outfall that is in deteriorating condition. This repair will help to protect the public and our environment by reducing costly breaks, leaks, and blockages.
Construction began in August of 2024. Major construction activities are now complete. Some additional repair work will occur in 2024.
On this Page

Project Area

This project is located on private property southwest of the intersection of North Larrabee Avenue and North Thunderbird Way. 

What's Happening Now

Major construction activities are now complete. Some additional repairs near the railroad tracks will occur in 2024.

What to Expect During Construction

Construction creates noise, vibration, and dust and can disrupt normal neighborhood activity. We want you to be safe around the work site. Please keep children, pets, bikes, cars, and trucks away from the tools, machines, supplies, and construction workers. A city inspector will be on-site during work hours and may be able to assist you with construction concerns. Inspectors typically wear a hard hat and safety vest with “City of Portland” on the back. Learn more about what to expect during sewer construction

We Want to Hear from You

We would like to hear from you about special events, school activities, and community services in the neighborhood that you think may be impacted by this project. Also, we want to know if you have any concerns related to business operations, disability or mobility issues, and medical or business deliveries. Your input will help us minimize construction impacts to your neighborhood.   

Sewer Emergency: In the event of a sewer backup or basement flooding, call the Maintenance hotline immediately at 503-823-1700. It is staffed all hours and all days, 24/7. 

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