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Force Avenue Pump Station Project

Sewer and Stormwater
Environmental Services is designing a project to remodel the 51-year-old Force Avenue Pump Station in North Portland. Increased pumping capacity will accommodate growth and future demands on the sewer system. Improved reliability, access, and safety will protect public health and the environment.
Design continues. Construction of the new pump station is anticipated to begin in 2027 and take a year and a half to complete.
On this Page

The Force Avenue Pump Station was built in 1974. It pumps sewage and stormwater from North Portland to the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant. Its service area includes Hayden Island, Tomahawk Island, and 2,130 acres of primarily industrial and commercial zoned areas, with some multifamily residential areas.

Project Area

The project area includes both sides of N Force Avenue between N Expo Road and N Victory Boulevard.

What's Happening Now

Environmental Services continues to explore the feasibility of relocating the existing Force Avenue Pump Station to property across the street. The project design process includes ongoing coordination with the Expo Center and its governing body, the Metropolitan Exposition and Recreation Commission (MERC), and the Port of Portland. 

Environmental Services is also working through land use and permitting requirements with other City bureaus to ensure that the design, layout, and operation of the pump station will meet requirements and accommodate future development. 

Air Release Valve Replacements 

In addition to several pump station improvements, the Force Avenue Pump Station Upgrade Project will require the replacement of two air release valves (ARV) at the following locations:

  1. On a levee along the Columbia Slough Trail near the Heron Lakes Golf Course—COMPLETED IN OCTOBER 2022.
  2. Before the entrance sign to the Heron Lakes Golf Course at Force Avenue—TO BE COMPLETED IN 2027–2028.

The first ARV is located along the Columbia Slough Trail at a point east of Moore Island and across from an access road off N Cottonwood Street. Construction was completed in October of 2022.

The second ARV location is just before the entrance sign to the Heron Lakes Golf Course at Force Avenue. Replacement of this ARV will occur during construction of the new pump station:

  • The ARV construction will not interfere with Heron Lakes Golf Course operations or events, because the vault will be located in the rough.
  • A fence around the work site will protect the public.
  • There may be traffic delays when construction is within the narrow part of the Force Avenue roadway.

Environmental Services is coordinating with the Army Corps of Engineers, the Multnomah County Drainage District, and the Parks Bureau to obtain the necessary permits to access the sites and replace the air release valves.

What are air release valves?

Air release valves are installed at points in a pipeline where air naturally collects. The trapped air can cause pump failures, corrosion, flow issues, and surges of water and pressure. Unnecessary air in the pipeline also makes the pump station work harder, consuming more energy.

An air release valve continually releases excess air out of the system and into the atmosphere, resulting in smooth and efficient operation. Once installed, it operates automatically. Odor treatment will be provided through carbon cannisters, which are reliable and easy to maintain.

Project Background

Environmental Services determined the feasibility of expanding or relocating the existing pump station and evaluated three options for the layout. Two were expansions on the existing Force Avenue site, and one was a relocation to a property across the street. 

Environmental Services determined that moving the pump station to a property across the street is the best option to provide the most cost-effective and suitable location to accommodate the pump station upgrade. The Expo Center and its governing body, the Metropolitan Exposition and Recreation Commission (MERC), and the Port of Portland continue to engage with the City of Portland on this design plan.

Extensive analysis has included the following activities:

  • Assessment of existing pump station’s condition and operation.
  • Preliminary design evaluations of pump station layout options.
  • Survey of area properties and a wetlands delineation study.
  • Geotechnical investigations, plant analysis, and groundwater monitoring.
  • Review of zoning changes and their implications.
  • Initiation of land acquisition and permit process.
  • Coordination with the Expo Center, MERC, the Portland of Portland, and other community stakeholders.

Pump Station Improvements 

Environmental Services continues to study design options for the following pump station improvements:

  • Replace existing pumps and equipment with new submersible pumps in a new wet well.
  • Make the new structure earthquake resistant.
  • Increase wet well capacity to accommodate future development.
  • Replace existing generator shed with a new electrical control systems building.
  • Replace outdated mechanical, electrical, and control equipment and systems; locate the new systems in the above ground, electrical control systems building.
  • Replace two air release valves, which will include odor treatment.
  • Improve pump station access for operations and maintenance.
  • Install metal wire mesh security fencing around the pump station area.
  • Develop a permanent easement for the upgraded facility.
  • Provide landscaping, including native shrubs and trees, around the pump station.
  • Demolish the existing pump station after the new one is completed. 
  • Restore the existing pump station site to a natural wetland. 

We Want to Hear from You

Environmental Services will work directly with the community and affected property owners, businesses, and event centers throughout the course of the project. Community outreach staff will listen to your suggestions and respond to your concerns:

  • Visit this project webpage periodically for updates.
  • With questions or comments, contact Cheryl Kuck by email or phone 503-823-7898. 
  • Please let us know if you have concerns such as business operations, special event schedules, access routes, or other concerns.
  • If you have a question about the project, be sure to include your name, property address, business name, and project name (Force Avenue Pump Station) in your voicemail and email so we can provide you more details about what to expect related to your property. Also, please write “ForceAvePS” in the subject line of your email. 
  • If your basement sewer backs up or your property or street floods, please report it immediately to the City’s Maintenance Operations hotline at 503-823-1700. It is staffed 24/7, all hours and all days.

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Sign up for periodic email or text message updates for the Force Avenue Pump Station Upgrade Project through our free GovDelivery subscription service. These updates are the best way to stay informed about what’s happening and what to expect. You can also sign up for bulletins on other projects and topics. 

This project will help protect the health of the Columbia Slough Watershed.

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