Project Area
What's Happening Now
Survey and Soil Sampling
Crews will be locating utilities, surveying, and taking soil samples on and near the pump station during project design. They will be drilling small holes in the ground to collect soil and rock samples to help the design engineers understand conditions that crews may encounter during construction. Please visit Pre-Construction Activities for more information about activities that occur before the construction can take place.
Project Background
The Elk Rock Pump Station collects sewage and stormwater from neighboring properties and from two smaller pump stations in the area. It then pumps those combined flows to the Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. The pump station is operated and maintained by the City of Portland and also serves Dunthorpe Riverdale Service District.
Since the pump station was built in 1981, the City has constructed a number of upgrades, including rebuilding the pumps in 2002 and general site upgrades for maintenance access and safety. This new upgrade project will make additional improvements.
Pump Station Improvements
Planned improvements to the pump station include the following:
- The existing belowground wet well and dry pit will be reconfigured into one, larger wet well to increased storage capacity.
- The existing generator building will be repurposed to house electrical and controls equipment and include a restroom for maintenance staff.
- A new belowground valve vault will be installed adjacent to the wet well.
- A new stand-by generator and pigging system will be installed adjacent to the existing building.
- All mechanical, electrical, and control equipment and systems will be replaced.
- A new stormwater outfall will be constructed between the pump station and the river to re-route stormwater collected in the cul-de-sac.
- The existing fence and gate will be replaced with added length and increased security.
- Existing trees will be protected, and new native and landscaped vegetation will be planted surrounding the expanded facility.
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