When it rains, stormwater may pick up and carry pollutants from the street – metals (such as copper and lead), oil, and dirt – into the storm drains. The polluted stormwater then travels through underground pipes and discharges through outfalls to the Columbia Slough. This is one of several Columbia Slough Stormwater Projects with the goal to remove pollutants from stormwater before it enters the slough.
To remove pollutants, engineers designed an underground stormwater management system that includes a sedimentation maintenance hole and a filter vault. The system is designed to filter stormwater and reduce the amount of pollution entering underground pipes and reaching the slough. These improvements will protect water quality, the community, and the health of the Columbia Slough watershed.
Project Area
The project area is north of North Columbia Boulevard and just west of North Hurst Avenue.
We Want to Hear from You
Environmental Services will inform residents and businesses about project activities and respond to questions and concerns in a timely manner. We encourage you to:
- Visit this project webpage regularly for updates.
- With questions or comments, please contact Matt Gough by email or phone 503-823-5352.
- If you have a question or concern, please be sure to include your name, property address, and project name (Outfall 58) in your voicemail and email so we can provide you more details about what to expect in front of your property.
- If your basement sewer backs up or your property or street floods, please report it immediately to the City’s Maintenance Operations hotline at 503-823-1700. It is staffed 24/7, all hours and all days.
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This project will help protect the health of the Columbia Slough Watershed.