Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Friday, Feb. 14, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open all day Friday, until 10 a.m. Saturday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Buckman-Kerns Green Street and Sewer Project

Sewer and Stormwater
Environmental Services is constructing a project that will install and upsize public sewer pipes and construct green street planters in the Buckman and Kerns neighborhoods. These improvements will increase sewer capacity, relieve sewer backups, and help reduce street flooding.
Construction is ongoing and is anticipated to be complete in early 2026.
On this Page

Project Area

The map below illustrates the entire project area where sewer improvements and green street planters are being constructed. It also shows the proposed methods of construction and where the new ADA ramps are being built.

Buckman-Kerns Green Street and Sewer Project Simplified Map


Construction is underway and is anticipated to be finished by early 2026. Work will occur in stages, and not all at once. 

Environmental Services will provide regular email and webpage updates on the project so that you are informed when work will begin near your location. The contractor will also provide advance notice to adjacent properties before construction begins at each work zone.  

What’s Happening Now 

All work is weather-dependent and subject to change. 

Remainder of this week:

Construction will resume during work hours between 7:00am and 6:00pm, Monday through Friday. Work may be done on some Saturdays, as well at the following locations:

  • Continue constructing sewer mainline on SE Ankeny west of SE 26th Ave.
  • Construct sewer mainline on SE Ankeny St between SE 26th and 27th avenues.
  • Start construction of sewer mainline and connections on SE Ankeny St between SE 27th and 28th avenues.
  • Traffic Alert: East Burnside St east of SE 30th Place has one lane closed due to construction impacts and lane requirements. This spot is down to one lane for up to two weeks.
  • See Tree Trimming Information below.

Continue work on ADA ramps and green street construction at the following locations:

  • SE 17th Ave and SE Stark St.
  • SE Alder St and SE 18th Ave (east of 18th).
  • SE 16th Ave and SE Belmont St.
  • SE Belmont St and SE 17th Ave.
  • SE 20th Ave south of SE Belmont St.
  • SE Ash St east of SE 28th Ave.
  • NE 32nd Ave south of NE Davis St.
  • NE 29th Ave south of SE Everett St.
  • NE Everett St. east of NE 29th Ave.
  • SE 20th Ave and SE Belmont St (SW Corner).
  • SE 16th Ave and SE Belmont St (NW Corner).

Week of February 17:

Construction will resume during work hours between 7:00am and 6:00pm, Monday through Friday. Work may be done on some Saturdays, as well at the following locations:

  • Continue construction of sewer mainline and connections on SE Ankeny St between SE 27th and 28th avenues.
  • Traffic Alert: East Burnside St east of SE 30th Place has one lane closed due to construction impacts and lane requirements. This spot is down to one lane for up to two weeks.
  • Pave at the following locations (weather dependent):
    • SE Taylor St east of SE 26th Ave.

Continue work on ADA ramps and green street construction at the following locations:

  • SE 17th Ave and SE Stark St.
  • SE Alder St and SE 18th Ave (east of 18th).
  • SE 16th Ave and SE Belmont St.
  • SE Belmont St and SE 17th Ave.
  • SE 20th Ave south of SE Belmont St.
  • SE Ash St east of SE 28th Ave.
  • NE 32nd Ave south of NE Davis St.
  • NE 29th Ave south of SE Everett St.
  • NE Everett St. east of NE 29th Ave.
  • SE 20th Ave and SE Belmont St (SW Corner).
  • SE 16th Ave and SE Belmont St (NW Corner).

Week of February 24:

Construction will resume during work hours between 7:00am and 6:00pm, Monday through Friday. Work may be done on some Saturdays, as well at the following locations:

  • Finish construction of sewer mainline and connections on SE Ankeny St between SE 27th and 28th avenues.
  • Construct sewer connections on SE Ankeny St between SE 26th and 27th avenues.
  • Construct sewer connections on SE Ankeny St west of SE 26th Ave
  • Continue sewer connections using Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP) Lining at the following locations:
    • SE Main St between SE 20th and 21st avenues.
    • SE Main St east of SE 24th Ave.
    • SE Taylor St between SE 23rd and 24th avenues.
    • SE Taylor St between SE 25th and 26th avenues.
    • SE 18th Ave north and south of SE Washington St.
    • SE 27th Ave between SE Stark and Pine streets.
    • SE 32nd Ave south of SE Pine St.
    • SE 19th Ave and SE Alder St.
    • SE Main St east of SE 20th Ave.
  • Traffic Alert: East Burnside St east of SE 30th Place has one lane closed due to construction impacts and lane requirements. This spot is down to one lane for up to two weeks.
  • Pave at the following locations (weather dependent):
    • SE Alder St north of SE 19th Ave.

Continue work on ADA ramps and green street construction at the following locations:

  • SE 17th Ave and SE Stark St.
  • SE Alder St and SE 18th Ave (east of 18th).
  • SE 16th Ave and SE Belmont St.
  • SE Belmont St and SE 17th Ave.
  • SE 20th Ave south of SE Belmont St.
  • SE Ash St east of SE 28th Ave.
  • NE 32nd Ave south of NE Davis St.
  • NE 29th Ave south of SE Everett St.
  • NE Everett St. east of NE 29th Ave.
  • SE 20th Ave and SE Belmont St (SW Corner).
  • SE 16th Ave and SE Belmont St (NW Corner).

Green street planters are built in phases with periods of inactivity between each phase. Excavation will happen first, then the contractor will build forms and pour concrete. Once the concrete has set, crews will return to fill the planters with soil. Plants and trees will be installed later when weather conditions are appropriate to plant. Please note: The holes that will be excavated for each green street planter will look bigger than the finished product.

Tree Trimming February 12

To accommodate the large equipment needed to complete this project, an arborist will trim street trees and low private trees. The trimming will remove low branches to reduce the possibility of the equipment damaging trees and to help ensure public safety.  

It is the responsibility of property owners under City Code to maintain street trees adjacent to their property and keep limbs at least 7.5 feet above sidewalks and 11 feet above streets. However, all tree trimming for this project will be done at the City’s expense. 

Trimming by the arborists will begin February 12 at the following locations:

  • SE Ankeny St between SE 27th and 28th avenues.
  • SE Ankeny St between SE 30th Ave and 30th Pl.
  • SE Ankeny St between SE 30th Pl and 31st Ave.
  • NE Couch St west of NE 28th Ave.
  • NE Couch St between SE 28th and 32nd avenues.
  • NE 29th Ave between East Burnside and NE Couch St.
  • NE 31st Ave between East Burnside and NE Couch St.
  • NE 32nd Ave between East Burnside and NE Couch St.
  • NE 29th Ave between NE Couch and Davis streets.
  • NE 31st Ave between NE Davis and Everett streets.
  • NE 30th Ave between NE Davis and Everett streets.
  • East Burnside east of NE 24th Ave.
  • NE 28th Ave between East Burnside and NE Couch streets.
  • NE 28th Ave south of NE Davis St.
  • NE 28th Ave between NE Everett and Davis streets. 

What to Expect During Construction

You can expect the following activities and impacts during construction:  

  • Noise, Vibration, and Dust: Construction creates noise, vibration, and dust, and disrupts normal neighborhood activity. 
  • Equipment Storage: Equipment and materials may be stored on streets overnight. 
  • No Parking: Little or no on‐street parking will be allowed in and near work zones, especially during work hours. On days when crews will be working in front of your house or nearby, please plan ahead. If you park your vehicle on the street, plan to move it off the street by 7 a.m. and return it at 6 p.m. 
  • Traffic Delays: Expect traffic delays in and near the work area. The contractor will develop detailed traffic control plans for each location.
  • Pedestrian Access: If temporary crosswalk and sidewalk closures are necessary, signage will indicate the alternate way for pedestrians to proceed. 
  • Services Maintained: Sewer, water, and other utilities are expected to remain in service during construction. 
  • Garbage Pickup: Access to garbage and recycling bins for haulers will always be maintained. 
  • Schedule Changes and Inactivity: Construction schedules can change due to a variety of factors, including conditions underground, weather, traffic impacts, subcontractor schedules, and availability of materials. These same variables may cause periods of inactivity during construction phases.  

Construction Methods

The contractor will use open trench excavation and cured-in-place-pipe lining (CIPP) to construct sewer and stormwater improvements. Most of the mainline public sewer pipes will be replaced with the open trench excavation method.

Private Improvements in the Right-of-Way

Crews may need to access and work in the right-of-way--specifically, the planting strip between the curb and the sidewalk--in order to repair, replace, or construct green street planters and sanitary and/or storm sewer pipes. The property owner is responsible for maintaining the portion of the public right-of-way between their property and the curb. This includes caring for permitted trees, mowing grass, and maintaining a safe sidewalk. However, the City retains the authority to use that area on behalf of the public. 

Night Work Permit

Portland noise code allows construction from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Work after 6 p.m. and before 7 a.m. and all hours on Sundays requires a noise variance from the Portland Noise Office.  

To minimize interruptions to traffic at busy intersections on East Burnside and protect public safety, Environmental Services is proposing to repair sewer lines overnight. The project has requested and have been approved for a permit from the Portland Noise Office to allow night work at four (4) locations in the Kerns Neighborhood:  

Open trench excavation:

  • SE 26th Ave and E Burnside St for four (4) nights
  • NE 28th Ave and E Burnside St for three (3) nights
  • NE 32nd Ave and E Burnside St for four (4) nights 

Cured-in-place-pipe lining (CIPP):

  • NE 24th Ave and E Burnside St for three (3) nights

Work hours will be 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday through Saturday, with no work on Sundays. When possible, work crews will complete louder tasks before midnight. The equipment will include various trucks (water jet, CCTV, vacuum, asphalt and dump), an air compressor, pavement saw cutters, whisper bypass pumps, generators, lights, front end loaders, track hoes, cranes, and pavement roller compactors.

Neighbors will be notified prior to any night work.

We Want to Hear from You

Please let us know if you have a concern or question about future construction near you. Be sure to include your name, property address, and project name (Buckman-Kerns) in your voicemail and email so we can provide you more details about what to expect in front of your property. Also, please write “Buckman-Kerns” in the subject line of your email.   

  • Sewer Emergency: In the event of a sewer backup or basement flooding, call the Maintenance hotline immediately at 503-823-1700. It is staffed all hours and all days, 24/7.

Project Background

The purpose of this project is to reduce basement sewer backup risk, reduce street flooding, and increase capacity of the large sewer trunk that serves the project area. To that end, this project will upsize or repair portions of the public sewer main line to increase its capacity to handle combined sewer and stormwater. Many of the existing combined sewer pipes are at least 100 to 120 years old and deteriorating. The project will also build green street planters that will help slow, filter, and cleanse stormwater from the streets.   

The project is designed to accomplish the following sewer and stormwater improvements:  

  • Construct 61 green street planters for a total of 15,600 square feet of treatment area.
  • Replace or repair 23,077 feet of public sewer mainline pipes, ranging in size from 6 inches to 24 inches in diameter. 
  • Construct or replace 480 sewer service laterals that connect private sewer lines to the public sewer in the street; this will involve 9,500 linear feet of six-inch lateral sewer pipes. 
  • Update 101 curb ramps to meet ADA requirements, including 75 individual ramps and 26 ramps that will be modified adjacent to new green street planters.
  • Construct or replace 150 maintenance holes and 240 storm drain inlets to capture surface runoff.

Sign Up for Updates

Sign up for weekly email or text message updates for the Buckman-Kerns Green Street and Sewer Project through our free GovDelivery subscription service. These updates are the best way to stay informed about what’s happening and what to expect. You can also sign up for bulletins on other projects and topics. 

Other Work in the Area

Public utility companies, private contractors, and the City's Maintenance Department may be conducting other work nearby, where they, too, need to post NO PARKING signs for their work.  

Please Take the Business Survey

If you have a business within the project area, please complete this questionnaire so we can learn more about your business and what needs you may have during construction. 

Business Survey 

This project will help protect the health of the Willamette River Watershed

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