Services, Guides, and Information
8 services and resources found
FEMA Flood Maps
External Resource
Look up flood maps on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Map Service Center website.
Flood Hazard Regulations and Flood Maps
Find Portland floodplain maps. View Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for Portland and the City's Composite February 1996 Flood Inundation Area Map. Find flood hazard regulations and search all of FEMA's current and past map products on its website.
Flood Safety
Flooding can damage property and threaten lives. Stay informed, be prepared, and stay safe. This information is useful if you know a flood may be coming. For long term preparation of your home, see How to Prepare if You Live or Work in a Floodplain.
Low-lying areas by creeks and rivers are called floodplains and have a higher chance of flooding. Do you live or work in a floodplain? Find out about your flood risk and ways to protect yourself and your property.
Johnson Creek Flood Gauge
External Resource
This resource from the National Weather Service shows the current and predicted flow and flood stage of Johnson Creek at the Sycamore Gauge below Powell Butte and near SE Foster Road and 150th Avenue.
Environmental Services is working to reconnect Johnson Creek to its historic floodplain, reduce flooding on private property, restore habitat, and improve water quality in the creek. This work is revising the 100-year floodplain maps, which may cause changes to property insurance requirements.
Report a Sewer Problem
If you have a sewer backup in your home or business or you notice sewage being released into the environment, call us to report it.
Environmental Services can provide on-site technical help for drainage issues on your property. We can help you pick safe options to manage the rain on your property or find solutions to drainage problems. You can schedule an appointment for a site visit or contact us with questions.
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