Sanitary Sewer User Charges
Sanitary sewer services
- Residential users: $12.69 per 100 cubic feet of water consumption
- Nonresidential users: $13.00 per 100 cubic feet of water consumption
Special meter charge
$25.00 per 100 special meter bill
Extra-strength charges
- Biological oxygen demand: $0.950 per pound
- Suspended solids: $1.200 per pound
Batch discharges and construction dewatering
$13.00 per 100 cubic feet of water consumption
Publicly-owned drinking fountain or single-pass waste fountain
$0.001 per 100 cubic feet
Stormwater Management User Charges
All customers
$5.760 per equivalent service unit per 30 days
Residential users
- All users except those listed below: $13.680 per 1,000 square feet of stormwater billable area per 30 days
- Within the drainage district: $10.746 per 1,000 square feet of stormwater billable area per 30 days
- Overwater structures: $0.00 per 1,000 square feet of stormwater billable area per 30 days
Nonresidential users
- All users except those listed below: $14.252 per 1,000 square feet of stormwater billable area per 30 days
- Within the drainage district: $11.032 per 1,000 square feet of stormwater billable area per 30 days
- Overwater structures: $0.00 per 1,000 square feet of stormwater billable area per 30 days
Non-stormwater discharges to the MS4 (clean to storm)
$1.654 per 100 cubic feet of discharged water
Single-family financial assistance
- Low-income discount: -$44.32 per 30 days for eligible single-dwelling ratepayers only
- Extremely low-income discount: -$70.93 per 30 days for eligible single-dwelling ratepayers only
Clean River Rewards
Discounts are available for ratepayers that manage stormwater on their properties. Discounts are limited to 35% of the total stormwater management user charge.
Regulated Affordable Multifamily Assistance Program (RAMP)
- Tier A: 50%
- Tier B: 35%
Smart Discount Program
The Program will offer targeted, percentage-based discounts using the factors and data analyzed. Discounts will range from five percent (5%) to eighty percent (80%).
Portland Harbor Superfund Charges
Sanitary volume component
$0.04 per 100 cubic feet of water consumption
Impervious area component
$0.237 per 1,000 square feet of stormwater billable area per 30 days
Administrative Fees and Penalties
Special tax assessment penalty
20% of ratepayer’s balance subject to assessment
System Development Charges (SDCs)
Sanitary SDCs
- Tier 1 occupancies: $545 per drainage fixture unit (DFU)
- Tier 2 occupancies: $726 per drainage fixture unit (DFU)
- Tier 3 occupancies: $1,245 per drainage fixture unit (DFU)
Stormwater SDCs
$507 per 1,000 square feet of stormwater billable area
Development Review Fees
Building Plan Review
One or two-family residential structures
$795 per application
Revisions/recheck fees for residential permits
$305 per application
Structures auxiliary to or interior modifications of one or two family residential dwelling units submitted on a separate application
$305 per application
Tenant improvements in and additions to commercial buildings
- Environmental review: $525 per application
- Source control review: $525 per application
Commercial buildings (other than those listed in other categories above)
- Environmental review: $1,580 per application
- Source control review: $795 per application
Commercial permit revisions/recheck with management approval (additional checksheet required)
- Environmental review: $525 per review
- Source control review: $525 per review
Over-the-counter hourly rate, billable in 15-minute increments for a maximum of one hour
- Environmental review: $320 per hour
- Source control review: $320 per hour
Commercial stormwater facility inspection
- Up to two facilities: $1,450 per application
- Each additional facility: $320 per facility
Residential stormwater facility inspection
$725 per application
Fee for major projects group (assigned by Portland Permitting and Development)
$20,000 per project
Recording fee
$90 per recording
Land Use and Early Assistance
Adjustment review
- Review for existing house/duplex (not fence/decks/eaves): $455 per application
- All other projects: $565 per application
Central city master plan review
- Type II amendment: $915 per application
- Type III new master plan or amendment: $3,410 per application
Comprehensive plan map amendment w/zone map amendment
- Tier A: $1,430 per application
- Tier B: $1,430 per application
- Tier C: $2,220 per application
Conditional use
- Type Ix: $335 per application
- Type II: $450 per application
- Type III – new: $1,180 per application
- Type III – existing: $685 per application
Design/historic resource
- Type Ix: $620 per application
- Type II: $620 per application
- Type III: $2,070 per application
Environmental review/river review
- Resource enhancement/PLA/public recreation trails: $840 per application
- Existing house/duplex, or one new residential dock (river review): $880 per application
- All other projects: $2,070 per application
Environmental review protection zone
$2,220 per application
Environmental violation review/river review violation
- Type II required: $1,180 per application
- Type III required: $1,180 per application
- Columbia South Shore Plan District (CSSPD): $1,180 per application
- CSSPD, undividable lot with existing single dwelling unit: $1,180 per application
- Undividable lot with existing single dwelling unit: $1,180 per application
- Existing house/duplex or one new residential dock: $875 per application
- All other projects: $2,070 per application
Impact mitigation plan
- Amendment (minor): $2,960 per application
- Implementation: $2,960 per application
- New/amendment (major): $2,960 per application
- Amendment (use): $2,960 per application
Land division review
- Type Ix: $840 per application
- Type IIx: $1,775 per application
- Type III: $5,130 per application
Middle housing land division review
- Partitions (2-3 lots/tracts): $1,125 per application
- Subdivision (4 or more lots/tracts): $1,125 per application
2 to 3-lot land division with concurrent environmental/river review
$1,775 per application
4 or more lot land division with concurrent environmental/river review
$7,395 per application
Land division amendment review (all types)
$450 per application
Land division final plat review/final development plan review
- If preliminary was type I or Ix with no street: $450 per application
- If preliminary was type I, Ix, or IIx with a street: $915 per application
- If preliminary was type IIx with no street: $515 per application
- If preliminary was type III: $1,775 per application
- If preliminary was a middle housing land division: $915 per application
$515 per application
Master plan
- Minor amendments to master plans: $915 per application
- New master plans or major amendments to master plans: $2,960 per application
Non-conforming situation review
$335 per application
Planned development bonus review
$3,750 per application
Planned development review – all other
$3,750 per application
Planned development/planned unit development amendment
$685 per application
Statewide planning goal exception
$985 per application
Zoning map amendment
$1,875 per application
Other unassigned reviews
- Type I/Ix: $810 per application
- Type II/IIx: $1,445 per application
- Type III: $2,225 per application
Early assistance, written info only
$450 per application
Early assistance, meeting, and written info
$685 per application
Pre-application conference
$1,340 per conference
Public works inquiry (written info only)
$50 per inquiry
Hourly rate for land use services
$230 per hour
Lot confirmation
- Sites without buildings: $195 per application
- Sites with house(s) or duplex(es): $335 per application
- Sites with other development: $335 per application
Property line adjustment (with or without lot confirmation)
- Site without buildings: $335 per application
- Sites with house(s) or duplex(es): $765 per application
- Sites with other development: $1,430 per application
Remedial action exempt review
- Remedial action exempt review - conference: $1,340 per conference
- Remedial action exempt review - simple: $1,180 per review
- Remedial action exempt review - complex: $3,155 per review
Wastewater Permit and Authorization Fees
Industrial wastewater permit fees
- Categorical industrial users (CIU): $4,075 per year
- Significant industrial users (SIU): $3,395 per year
- Non-significant industrial users (NSIU): $1,945 per year
- Non-discharging categorical industrial users (NDCIU and ZDCIU): $290 per year
Alternative discharge control mechanism
$180 per year
Batch discharge authorization
$195 per unit
Construction dewatering permit
$335 per unit
Stormwater Discharge Permit and Authorization Fees
Discharge authorization
$50 per unit
Discharge permit
$250 per unit
Street Use Permit Fees
Sewer lateral connection or repair fee
$335 per permit
Sewer main connection fees
- PBOT BOM tap or tee fitting: $510 per tap
- Install standard maintenance hole: $600 per installation
- Sewer main or maintenance hole connection fee: $295 per connection
- Engineered sewer connection permit: $2,105 per connection
Short sewer extension
- Up to and including 50 feet: $630 per permit
- 51 to 100 feet: $1,050 per permit
Residential infill permit
$3,625 per permit
Basic sewer extension
$3,625 per permit
PW permit
- Project manager (per hour): $210 per hour
- Construction manager (per hour): $180 per hour
- Engineering technician (per hour): $160 per hour
- Inspector (per hour): $170 per hour
- Green infrastructure (per hour): $180 per hour
- Maintenance (per hour): $230 per hour
Complex permit
Full cost recovery per permit
Green infrastructure inspection
- One to five facilities: $1,455 per permit
- Six or more facilities: $2,035 per permit
Construction warranty fee
$1,090 per permit
Permit reactivation fee
$605 per application
Street vacation
Full cost recovery per application
Hourly rate for natural area ecologist services
$185 per hour
Source Control Manual and FOG Fees
Source control manual fees - special circumstances review application fee
$105 per application
FOG variance request processing fee
$250 per application
Extra strength additional sample
$310 per sample
Stormwater Management Manual Fees
Special circumstances application fee
$100 per application
Offsite management fee
$5.15 per square foot
Manufactured stormwater treatment technologies application review fee
$7,285 per application