Overlay Zones

Get information about overlay zones.

Overlay zones are regulations that address specific subjects in particular areas in the City. Overlay zone regulations apply in addition to regulations in the base zone and modify the regulations of the base zone.

To find the zoning on your property, visit Find Zoning Regulations and Zoning Maps.

Overlay Zones Map
Overlay Zones Map

These overlay zones are shown on the official zoning maps with the following lower-case letters: 

  • b – Buffer zone 
    • The buffer overlay zone requires additional buffering between nonresidential and residential zones. See Chapter 33.410
  • d – Design overlay zone 
    • The design overlay zone is applied to areas where design and neighborhood character are of special concern. See Chapter 33.420 and Design Review
  • c or p – Environmental zone 
  • f – Future urban zone 
    • The future urban overlay zone limits development in future urban areas. See Chapter 33.435
  • g* or e – River overlay zones 
    • The river overlay zones generally promote the protection, conservation, restoration, enhancement and maintenance of the economic, natural, scenic and recreational qualities of lands along the central reach of the Willamette River. See Chapter 33.475
  • g, i, n, q, or r – Greenway zones 
  • h – Aircraft landing zone 
    • The aircraft landing zone limits height of structures and vegetation in the vicinity of the Portland International Airport. See Chapter 33.400
  • k – Prime industrial zones 
    • The prime industrial overlay zone protects land that has been identified in the Comprehensive Plan as Prime Industrial, and prioritizes these areas for long-term retention. See Chapter 33.471
  • not shown on maps – historic resource protection overlay zone 
    • The historic resource protection overlay zone protects certain historic resources such as historic landmarks and conservation landmarks, and certain resources in historic or conservation districts. See Chapter 33.445 and Historic Resource Reviews
  • m – Centers main street overlay zone 
    • The centers main street overlay zone encourages a mix of commercial, residential and employment uses on the key main streets within town centers and neighborhood centers. See Chapter 33.415
  • s – Scenic resource zone 
    • The scenic resource overlay zone establishes height limits within view corridors to protect significant views and establishes additional landscaping and screening standards to preserve and enhance identified scenic resources. See Chapter 33.480
  • v – Pleasant valley natural resources overlay zone 
    • The pleasant valley natural resources overlay zone integrates the significant natural resources into a new urban community in Pleasant Valley. See Chapter 33.564
  • x – Portland International Airport noise impact zone 
    • The Portland International Airport noise impact overlay zone reduces the impact of aircraft noise on development within the noise impact area surrounding the Portland International Airport. See Chapter 33.470
  • z – Constrained sites overlay zone 
    • The constrained sites overlay zone reduces the development on sites that have certain development constraints and are unsuitable for three or more dwelling units. See Chapter 33.418

If your property has an overlay zone, you will need to review the regulations of that zone to see if your proposal is allowed or requires review.

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