7/10/23 - Historic Landmarks Commission Hearing Agenda

Public Hearing
Regularly scheduled Historic Landmarks Commission Hearings are the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.
1:30 pm 3:45 pm

Connection Instructions


Hearing Registration Link

1. (1:30-1:45) 

Items of Interest

2. (1:45-3:45)

LU 23-027335 HR – The Philip/ Honeyman Hardware Addition

APPLICANT: Robert Thompson, TVA Architects Inc

SITE: 555 NW Park Avenue

CITY CONTACT:  Tim Heron, BDS, 503-823-7726 Tim.Heron@portlandoregon.gov

The applicant is requesting Historic Resource Review Approval for a new ½ block 8-story addition, called The Philip, to the existing Historic Honeyman Hardware Lofts building.  The new addition is approximately 172,000 SF, comprised of 165 multi-family apartments over ground floor retail, residential lobby and building services.  The addition will require full removal of the NE corner quarter-block Stables Building, and the near full removal of the SE corner two-story + penthouse quarter-block Bindery Building, retaining only the original two-story historic brick facades fronting NW Park Avenue and NW Glisan Street.  The remaining western half of the Historic Honeyman Block will be retained and restored.  Materials for the new ½ block building will include aluminum and glass storefront systems at the ground levels, composite metal panels, brick cladding, and dark grey commercial grade vinyl window systems for upper story residential units.  No modifications or adjustments are requested.

Please Keep in mind

  • The agenda is subject to change.

  • Agenda items may be rescheduled.

  • Times are estimates only and agenda item times may change.

  • Projects are reviewed in the order listed with a 10 minute break between agenda items.

  • All continuances and reschedules are requested by the applicant, unless otherwise noted.

The Bureau of Development Services is committed to providing equal access to information and hearings.  To request an accommodation or alternative format of communication, please contact us no later than five business days prior to the hearing at 503-823-7300 (TTY 503-823-6868).  Note that Zoom automated captions are used for hearings and may not be as accurate as live captioning; A closed-caption transcript of the meeting may be requested by contacting the BDS Hearings Clerk at BDSHearingsClerk@portlandoregon.gov.