12/14/20 - Historic Landmarks Commission Hearing Agenda

Public Hearing
Regularly scheduled Historic Landmarks Commission Hearings are the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.
1:30 pm 5:15 pm

Hearing Registration Link


1.  (1:30-1:35) 

Items of Interest

2.  (1:35-3:35)

LU 20-193145 HRM - Adaptive Reuse of Landmark - Anna Lewis Mann, Old People's Home

CITY CONTACT: Tanya Paglia, BDS, 503-865-6518  tanya.paglia@portlandoregon.gov 

APPLICANT: Keith Daily | Emerick Architects

SITE: 1021 NE 33rd Ave

Type III Historic Resource Review for adaptive reuse project to convert the individually listed National Register Landmark Anna Lewis Mann, Old People’s Home from an existing 53,000 SF group living complex into affordable housing. The 3-acre site consists of the original U-shaped red brick building that was constructed in 1910 as well as an eastern wing built in 1953 and a west addition constructed in 1993. The project will convert the existing buildings into affordable housing and add a new 32,000 SF building in the northeast area of the site in proximity to the 1953 wing as well as a new 32,000 SF building at the south end of the site replacing surface parking. In total, 129 new units will be created. The total on-site parking will be increased from the existing 40 surface parking spaces to 71 spaces that will be a mix of surface and tuck-under parking. Modifications to on-site circulation system requirements, main entrance requirements, and maximum building length requirements are requested.

3.  (3:45-5:15)

EA 20-209785 DA - Montgomery Park Alterations

CITY CONTACT: Hillary Adam, BDS, 503-823-8953 hillary.adam@portlandoregon.gov

APPLICANT: Scott Martin, GBD Architects 

SITE: 2701 NW Vaughn Street

Design Advice Request for proposed alterations to the Montgomery Park building, an individually listed landmark on the National Register of Historic Places. Alterations include: removal of the 1980 west entry and reconfiguration of this entry, reconfiguration of northern loading docks for outdoor use, reconfiguration of the eastern ramp and parking areas for pedestrian use, reconfiguration of eastern ground level entry, replacement of aluminum windows installed in 1980 and repair and potential replacement of existing historic windows, and addition of a rooftop penthouse. A Modification to maximum height would be required for the proposed penthouse.

Please Keep in mind

  • The agenda is subject to change.

  • Agenda items may be rescheduled.

  • Times are estimates only and agenda item times may change.

  • Projects are reviewed in the order listed with a 10 minute break between agenda items.

  • All continuances and reschedules are requested by the applicant, unless otherwise noted.