Administrative Board Appeal Process, Review, Reconsiderations

Learn about the building code appeal review process. For electrical, mechanical and plumbing code appeals, find out how the review and reconsideration process works. Find the Board of Appeals (Big Board) process information.
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Review by the Administrative Board of Appeals

  • Administrative appeals are heard on Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m. and are closed to the public.
  • The Administrative Appeal Board consists of Development Services managers and senior staff from the Plan Review and Inspections divisions, as well as representatives from the Fire Bureau.
  • Decisions are reached by consensus following an analysis and discussion of the submitted materials. The decision is then recorded and posted on our website. A copy of the decision is emailed or mailed to the appellants.

When a reconsideration is required 

  • The Board has heard an appeal and has placed it on hold for additional information without rendering a decision and the appellant wishes to provide the requested information.   
  • The Board has rendered a decision of “Denied” and the appellant wishes to provide new or revised information not submitted with the initial proposal or to address specific board concerns with the initial proposal.
  • The Board has rendered a decision of “Denied” and the appellant wishes to have the appeal referred to the Big Board with new or revised information. (The appeal heard by the Big Board must be identical to the appeal heard by the Administrative Board).

Building code appeal reconsideration application

  • To file a reconsideration, follow the same submittal process using the same appeals form. Be certain to indicate at the beginning of the appeal form that you are filing a reconsideration and include the original assigned Appeal ID number. 
  • Reconsideration appeals are reviewed independently of the original appeal, so all documents, plus any new information, must be submitted as part of the request for reconsideration.
  • The original appeal language is to be submitted as part of the reconsideration.Do not re-write the original appeal language.It is important that the new text in the reconsideration be clearly separate from the original submitted language in a new paragraph(s) with the heading “Reconsideration Text”.
  • There is no additional fee for the first reconsideration of an Administrative Appeal Board decision where heard within 6 months of the appeal being reconsidered or for appeals that have been held for additional information. Appeals of the same item filed after a 2nd denied decision will be charged at the full rate.

Board of Appeals (also known as the Big Board)

Appellants not satisfied with the Administrative Board’s decision may request a hearing by the Board of Appeals empowered to hear the appeals for the specific code under consideration.

  • The Board of Appeals is a volunteer board made up of qualified individuals from the private sector who have knowledge in the specific code area being appealed.
  • These boards are referred to as the Building Code Board of Appeals, the Electrical Code Board of Appeal, etc. depending on the code requirement being appealed.
  • Hearings before the Board(s) of Appeals are set up on an as needed basis and usually take a minimum of two weeks to schedule. The appellant must be present at this hearing to discuss the appeal with the board.
  • The Board of Appeals will hear the same appeal (along with the same supporting plans and documentation) that was originally submitted to the Administrative Board.
  • There is no additional fee for a hearing with the Board of Appeals.
  • To request a hearing with the Board of Appeals, please e-mail or call the Appeals Administrative Specialist, Tawnya Harris.


Tawnya Harris

Building, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Code Appeals

Mailing address

Development Services ATTN: Appeals
1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 5000 (5th floor)
Portland, OR 97201