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11/16/23 - Design Commission Hearing Agenda

Public Hearing
Regularly scheduled Design Commission Hearings are the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.
1:30 pm 5:15 pm

Hearing Registration Link 


1. (1:30- 2:00)

Items of Interest 

            - Housing Regulatory Relief Code Project-Council Testimony Prep 

2. (2:00-3:30)

EA 23-069476 DA – Centennial mills - CONTINUED FROM 9/21/23

APPLICANT: Kurt Schultz, SERA Architects

SITE: 1362 NW Naito PKWY 

CITY CONTACT: Grace Jeffreys, BDS, 503-865-6521

This project includes three separate 5-story buildings over shared underground parking.  The buildings will be mixed-use with approximately 277 residential apartment units, 4,100 square feet of retail, and 244 parking stalls. The property is bounded by NW Naito and the Willamette River and will include the development of the pedestrian greenway trail. The ground floor uses include lobbies, retail units, amenities, services, and dwelling units. The ground floors will be raised, with raised dock access at lobbies and retail units.

3. (3:40-5:15)

EA 23-090643 DA – 3606 NE MLK Boulevard Apartments

APPLICANT: John Holmes, GUNA Collaborative,

SITE: 3606 NE Martin Luther King Jr. BLVD  

CITY CONTACT: Tim Heron, BDS, 503-823-7726

Design Advice Request for a 5-story, 32-unit studio apartment building with ground floor retail on an existing 4500 SF infill lot.  All units will be affordable, meeting 60% Average Median Income.  No vehicle parking is provided.  One Modification is requested to 33.266.210 Long-term bike parking revision to locations and total required.  One Adjustment is requested for 33.415.200 Ground Floor Active Use to reduce the 25% floor area requirement to 20%.

Please Keep in mind

  • The agenda is subject to change.

  • Agenda items may be rescheduled.

  • Times are estimates only and agenda item times may change.

  • Projects are reviewed in the order listed with a 10 minute break between agenda items.

  • All continuances and reschedules are requested by the applicant, unless otherwise noted.

The Bureau of Development Services is committed to providing equal access to information and hearings.  To request an accommodation or alternative format of communication, please contact us no later than five business days prior to the hearing at 503-823-7300 (TTY 503-823-6868).  Note that Zoom automated captions are used for hearings and may not be as accurate as live captioning; A closed-caption transcript of the meeting may be requested by contacting the BDS Hearings Clerk at