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Valuation Methods

Learn more about how Portland Permitting & Development values projects. How fair market value is set for new construction, new additions, and other types of work.
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Portland Permitting & Development (PP&D) collects building permit fees to cover the costs for plan review, inspections, and administration of the building code. Permit fee amounts are based on the fair market value of all construction work for which the permit is issued, including all finish work, painting, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, fire extinguishing systems, other permanent work or equipment, and contractor's profit.

As mandated by the State of Oregon in Oregon Administrative Rule 918-050-0100, and the Oregon Specialty Codes, the building official is charged with the authority to set the fair market value for new construction, additions, repairs, and alterations using the ICC Building Valuation Data Table, and as determined by the building official with input from the applicant.

Estimation of a project’s construction value for alterations of existing buildings is not as straightforward as it is for new construction. Additionally, some types of new construction do not have an assigned value in the ICC Building Valuation Data, such retaining walls, foundations, decks, or porches.  

In general, the value specified by the applicant will be used as the basis for determining the building permit fee.  However, if the value of the project appears understated by the applicant or does not appear reasonably accurate, the value of the project shall be determined by using the method below.

Valuations for new construction and additions

Valuations for new construction and additions are established in the ICC Building Valuation Data based on Occupancy/Use, Construction Type, and Square Footage, with the following clarifications:

  1. Valuations for Commercial New Construction and Additions shall be the submitted value or the ICC Building Valuation, whichever is higher;
  2. Valuations for Residential New Construction and Additions shall be the ICC Building Valuation, even if the submitted value is higher.

Valuations for other types of work 

Valuations for types of work not addressed in the ICC Building Valuation Data are assigned as outlined below:

  1. Residential Alterations: 33.3% of cost per SF of new construction from the ICC Building Valuation Data for Occupancy/Use R3 Residential One- and Two-Family and Construction Type VB (includes basement, garage or attic conversions and bathroom or kitchen remodels)
  2. Commercial Alterations: 40% of cost per SF for new construction from the ICC Building Valuation Data for Occupancy/Use, Construction Type, and Square Footage
  3. New Residential Decks, Carports, Porches and Sheds: 50% of cost per SF of new construction from the ICC Building Valuation Data for Occupancy/Use: U Utility and Construction Type: VB
  4. New Residential Garage or Shop: ICC Building Valuation Data for Occupancy/Use: U Utility and Construction Type: VB
  5. Foundations and Retaining Walls: $15 per SF of face of foundation or retaining wall

Unreinforced Masonry (URM) buildings fair market value  

A detailed estimate of the total fair market value of alterations to existing URM buildings, prepared by an independent cost estimator, shall be submitted by the permit applicant to determine if seismic upgrades are required per Title 24.85.065 of the City Code.

Fee schedules and system development charges (SDCs)

Additional information 


General Inquiries

Portland Permitting & Development
phone number503-823-7300Our front desk team will be available to answer Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please leave a message if you call outside of those hours.
Oregon Relay Service711Oregon Relay Service


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