Civic Life’s response to grantee non-compliance and poor communication within the City resulted in waste and inefficiency
The Auditor’s Office found evidence of waste and inefficiency in Civic Life’s handling of a grant non-compliance issue and the City’s grant management. Civic Life spent more money than intended and disregarded City policy and the City did not foster communication between bureaus.
2023 Audit Impact Report: Leadership on coordination, prioritization, and decision-making most needed to implement recommendations by service area
Overall, the City implemented under half of our audit recommendations as of 2023, below the average of other comparable cities. Implementation across service areas ranged from zero to 88 percent. Service areas need leadership on coordination, prioritization, and decision-making to make progress.
Vision Zero: Portland Bureau of Transportation needs to systematically evaluate whether its safety projects reduce traffic deaths and serious injury crashes
Our audit of Vision Zero found rising fatal crashes despite the plan’s focus on traffic safety. The audit calls on the Transportation Bureau to evaluate completed projects to ensure they reduce deaths and injuries and result in equitable outcomes. Data-driven strategies are needed for safer streets.
2023 Audit Impact Report: Opportunities to coordinate services and improve equity of City government as it transitions
The City implemented under half of our audit recommendations as of 2023, below the average of other comparable cities. Portlanders need bold leadership, with a focus on coordination, for the City to make progress on recommendations not yet implemented and to continue to improve equity of services.
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