Adoption of Administrative Rule 16.01 Election of Candidates | November 2023

Public Notice
The City Auditor’s Office has adopted a new administrative rule relating to election of candidates, effective November 1, 2023.

The City Auditor has adopted the following new administrative rule, which was available for public comment from September 29, 2023 – October 30, 2023:

ARA 16.01 Election of Candidates

Portland City Charter Section 2-506(a) authorizes the City Auditor to establish rules for the Office of the Auditor. This new rule is proposed because, in 2022, voters amended the City Charter to use ranked choice voting as the method of electing candidates and updated the City’s form of government. This rule sets the method and requirements for electing city candidates and filing for office. The adopted rule is effective November 1, 2023.

This rule and the full list of Adopted Rules for the Auditor's Office are available on the Auditor's website and the City of Portland website, or rules can be requested from the City Auditor's Office Operations Management department. Please direct questions about this rule to the City Elections Office at

View the Auditor's Adoption Memo of ARA 16.01 Election of Candidates:


City Elections

City Elections Division

Questions or comments about the Auditor's Office's proposed rules

Auditor's Office

phone number503-823-4078Hours: We're open Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We accept in-person visits Tuesday to Thursday at City Hall.

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