Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Thursday, Feb. 13, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Supplemental graphics details for "Ombudsman Memo Property Maintenance Enforcement Follow-Up 2025"

This page shares details about the supplemental data used in the Ombudsman's January 2025 follow-up memo to PP&D.
In this article

This page shares details about the supplemental data used in the Ombudsman's January 2025 memo, Ombudsman’s review finds City has partly implemented recommendations to reduce harm of complaint-driven property maintenance enforcement system.

Figure 6. Lien amounts tend to be larger in areas with greater Latinx populations

ZIP code map for Figure 6

Two maps show that certain neighborhoods of Portland had a higher value of liens.  These often overlapped with neighborhoods with higher Latinx resident populations. Read details at Supplemental Graphics page linked below.
Source: Ombudsman’s Office analysis of City lien data and American Community Survey 5-year estimates (2022). Note: ZIP codes do not precisely match City boundaries. ZIP codes largely outside of city boundaries that had no liens are excluded.

Summary table for Figure 6

Lien Values increase as home value decreases, and correlation between Latinx population and higher Lien Value is moderate

Home/Homeowner categoriesStrength of Association
Percent of homes with values less than $50kVery Strong
Percent of homes with values between $200k and $300kStrong
Percent of homes with values between $50k and $99kModerate
Latinx populationModerate

Detailed data for Figure 6

ZIP codeTotal value of liens (per 100,000 owner-occupied homes), in dollarsTotal number of Latinx residents
97201$4,326 1397
97202$2,779 3358
97203$3,939 4943
97204$0 158
97205$0 680
97206$4,853 5168
97209$3,917 1697
97210$18,016 732
97211$7,188 2929
97212$1,713 2498
97213$6,671 1971
97214$6,521 2352
97215$1,266 1146
97216$2,976 2212
97217$9,799 3219
97218$17,519 2128
97219$3,025 3523
97220$7,102 2896
97221$82 557
97227$15,229 654
97230$3,600 8326
97232$2,206 1602
97233$21,308 8975
97236$20,729 7204
97239$6,239 1799
97266$8,192 4734

Figure 7. Numbers of liens tend to be higher in areas with greater Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander populations

ZIP code map for Figure 7

Maps show that the number of liens was higher in some neighborhoods in Portland, and these often corresponded with neighborhoods with higher populations of Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander residents. Read details at Supplemental Graphics page linked below.
Source: Ombudsman’s Office analysis of City lien data and American Community Survey 5-year estimates (2022). Note: ZIP codes do not precisely match City boundaries. ZIP codes largely outside of City boundaries that had no liens and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander populations less than 10 were excluded.

Summary table for Figure 7

Number of Liens increase as the percent of homes with lesser value increases, and correlation between Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander populations is moderate

Home/Homeowner categoriesStrength of Association
Percent of homes with values less than $50kVery Strong
Percent of homes with values between $50k and $99kStrong
Percent of homes with values between $200k and $300kStrong
Percent of homes with values between $100k and $150kModerate
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander populationModerate

Detailed data for Figure 7

ZIP codeTotal number of liens (per 100,000 owner-occupied homes), in dollarsTotal number of Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander residents
972040Less than 10
97210311Less than 10
97212117Less than 10
97213183Less than 10
97239215Less than 10

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