The City Auditor has adopted the following new administrative rule on an interim basis:
Summary of changes to ARA 8.03
Archives & Records Management Administrative Rule 8.03 has been updated to meet the requirements of the voter-approved Charter amendments and align with mayor-council form of government. It has been revised to remove obsolete information and include updated language in line with updated City Code and City structure as well as updated language for the Archives & Records Management Division. It has updated links for the Portland Public Records Request Center and public records resources. It has an updated fee schedule.
See the changes and fee schedule
Adoption Memo
Read the adoption memo from City Auditor Simone Rede:
Portland City Charter Section 2-506(a) authorizes the City Auditor to establish rules for the Office of the Auditor. The Auditor may adopt interim rules without prior notice upon finding that failure to act promptly will result in prejudice to the public interest and shall be effective for a period of not more than 180 days.
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